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X 5) Electrical Heating Unit. <br />For the installation of each electrical heating unit, the permi--i <br />fee charge shall be $10.00 for each installation involving BTU input of <br />10%000 BTU or less and a fee of $1.25 for each additional 100,004 <br />ITU input capacity or fractional portion thereof. <br />up <br />i-,ection 32.185 of the City Code of the City of Roseville js hereby amendel <br />MOT 0- T-4 <br />i y is IN 4 <br />For general sheet metal work the permit f ee charge shall be <br />made at the rate of $10.00 f or the f irst $500.00 or f raction thereof <br />plus $7.00 for each additional $500-00 or fraction thereof of the total <br />market-value of such sheet metal work. <br />Section 32.190 of the City Code of the City of Roseville is hereby amendeii <br />fm=� <br />