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(2) Alterations, Repair or Extensionl <br />0 a <br />For any alteration, repair or extension to an existing plumbing <br />system, where the work is of such ■ nature that the permit fee charge <br />cannot be determined from the above schedule, the permit fee charge <br />shall be made at the rate of $10.00 for the first $500-.00 or fraction <br />thereof, plus $2.00 for each additional $500.00 or fraction thereof of <br />the total market value of such alteration, repair or extension, <br />Section 32.170(2) of the City Code of the City of Roseville is hereby <br />(2) Alteration, Repair or Extension of Gas Burner Equipmen] <br />of the City of Roseville are hereby amended to read as follows: <br />(2) Oil Burner Alterations, Repairs or Additions, <br />For any alterations, repairs or additions to any existing oi, <br />burner or oil burning equipment, the permit fee charge shall be mad <br />zt the rate of $10.00 for the first $500.00 or fraction thereof, plu <br />$2.00 for each additional $500.00 or fraction thereof of the tota <br />market value of such alterations, repairs or additions, 11 <br />(3) Refrigeration Equipment Installation Less than 100,001, <br />BTUN <br />