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REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION mL °°TE: <br />7/lz/sz <br />AGENDA SECTION', ORIGINATING DEPT. /DIV.. DEPT. HEAD APPROVAL, <br />REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS PUBLIC WORD ITEM I IVo. ITEM DESCRIPTION" <br />SS-82-20 San sewer I & I Ike MGR. REVIEW D/ REDS : <br />�� �torat3.on <br />Work at Mid oaks Ln snelling <br />The city has been studying the removal of excess and undesired <br />storm water from the sanitary sewer pipes since 1976, Since <br />that time, extensive studies have been conducted, including <br />one with a Federal grant. These studies have always concluded <br />that there does exist in the sanitary sewer pipes significant <br />amount of undesired storm water, <br />As you are aware, the city is charged for the treatment of all <br />this water in the sanitary sewer pipe by the Metropolitan' Waste <br />Control Commission, Tress costs -are rapidly increasing and are <br />costing the city hundreds of thousands of dollars per year for <br />th i s undesired water.' Due to the nature of the problem, it is <br />not practical to -e 1 imamate most of the f iow.s , - because it would <br />cost more :to correct the problems than it would to leave it, <br />The studies do show, however, that there are apparent locations <br />where this restoration work would be cost effective, <br />In order to verify these findings, a demonstration area near slid <br />Oaks Lane, Ridgewood Vane, Snelling Avenue, has been devised. <br />This area has apparent I & I problems which would require appro i. <br />mately $40rOOO,OO to correct. To insure that the work is produc- <br />ing the benefits expected, however, and the fact that it is the <br />initial project alone this line, extensive monitoring is proposed <br />This monitoring would take place before the restoration, work' occurs <br />and, once again, immediately after to see low much of a reduction <br />is actually obtained from the work, <br />The engineering for this project is proposed to be performed by the <br />consulting firm of short, Elliott and Hendrickson in combination <br />with Donahue and Associates. They have done all of the I & I studies <br />previously which have brought us to this point. Tie it proposal esti- <br />mates the engineering costs for this work to be approximately <br />17,000*00, The cost factors involved in this have been reviewed <br />and found to be in conformance with past agreements for this work. <br />Funding for the work has previously been established in the per- <br />manent improvement fund - through transfers from the sanitary sewer <br />fund. . <br />RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: Approval of a motion authorizing the mayor <br />and city manager to sign an agreement with <br />Short, Elliott, Hendrickson and Associates <br />to provide engineering for Project SS-82-20 <br />on I & I work. <br />