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IVIU-L- I 1JJ%J <br />AV= AW& �m lambb fi� ^MrDo DATE' <br />REQUr=51 looK (4;0OUNCIL Ate VION <br />amh� _01 7/12/82 <br />The Hoffman Electric Company is involved- in both of these petitions and have re- <br />quested the work to be done as soon as possible. It is., therefore, requested <br />that the hearing for these two improvements be held as soon as possible. A <br />date of August 9, 1982, at the council's regular scheduldd meeting i's recommended, <br />RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: (a) Adoption of a resolution-receiving the feasi- <br />bility study for Project P-82-17, Fulham Street <br />and calling for a public hearing on August 9, <br />1982. <br />(b) Adoption of a resolution receiving the feasi- <br />bility study for the Fulham/T.H.36 area, : <br />identified as Project ST-82-18 and calling <br />for a pub] ic hearing on August 9, 1982N <br />