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MEETING <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION I °"tE: <br />7/zs /az <br />AGENDA SECTION HEARINGS ORIGINATING DEPT./DIV.: DEPT. HEAD APP-ROV <br />PUBLIC WORK L/ <br />{ <br />IT IN { ® ITEM iI� COMM ROW H HII MATH F CM . <br />GR. if I EWEa / REE i <br />HAM AVENM M VICTORIA, PFD= M -80 -6 _ <br />The City of Roseville applied for 4nd received a.75% state grant for <br />the construction of a bikepath along County load H between Hamline and <br />Victoria. Due to the fact that this grant only covers the contractor's <br />portion of cost, it is estimated that of the $76,600 cost, $38,,300 <br />would be a . city expense, Revenue 'sharing f ands.. _:are the anticipated <br />source of the city share, <br />A <br />The next step in the process is for the city to determine if the path <br />- would actually be constructed,., That decision- needs- to be made this <br />year if thq State funds are to be used, because the funding has been ter- <br />minated and the State wi 1 l not hold these funds for Roseville beyond . . <br />this year. 'Newspaper articles have been sent to all of the newspapers <br />r to advise the citizens of this meeting -and a letter was seat to all of <br />the property owners along both sides of County load B, In- addition, the <br />staff held an informational meeting Thursday evening, July 22, and ap- <br />proximately 40 citizens attended that meeting, <br />E <br />As you know, this would be jus}� one segment of the overall path p'rogram, <br />The attached reap showing the pathways indicates in green those which <br />have already been cons true ted or appr oved ' for construction and these in <br />red, segments which-are still to�L be approved and constructed. The Count <br />Road H link sits in the middle Of one of the major east -west facilities <br />The roadway carries extremely WO!avy . volumes of traffic. In 1981, Ramsey <br />County traffic counts - show appr . oximately 14,000 vehicles per day, using <br />this portion of County Road B. For . comparison purposes. this is even <br />higher than Lexington Avenue, In reviewing traffic accidents over the <br />last 6 available years it was found that 215 accidents occurred. along <br />thisstrip including 9 pedestrian or bike accidents. It might be noted <br />that one of the vehicle accidents was a fatality, <br />As you are aware, the State requires the pathways to be 8 -feet wide if <br />they are two-directional, with a preferred .4-,foot setback from the curb <br />If the facility is a one - direction pathway, then a 6 -foot width with <br />similar setbacks is necessary. - Af ter reviewing the right-of-way situa- <br />tion and the eistance of trees, poles, bushes,,-fences, etc,, it was de- <br />termined that the north side was the preferred side* <br />The right -of -way along County road B changes from 33 feet to 43 feet on <br />the north side, on a lot -by -lot basis. This, plus the fact a roadway <br />section of County road H between Hamline and Lexington Avenue is S2 feet <br />wide, results in 7 lots in this section requiring five -foot wide ease- <br />ments, Due to the fact that the..pavement . width reduces to 44 feet wide <br />between Lexington Avenue and victoria, there are no easements needed in <br />this easterly portion, except for two small 5' by 5' pieces to locate a <br />traffic sign. since right -of -way has to be acquired in the westerly <br />portion, a recommended 4-foot setback from the curb is used in this por- <br />tion, while only a -foot setback from the curb is proposed on the par <br />east of Lexington, so that the work could be done within the existing <br />right-of-way, <br />
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