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2/1/2012 8:47:16 AM
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2/1/2012 8:43:35 AM
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7/a6 /a2 <br />Bike path on Co. Rd. B <br />Several portions of the route have considerable . growth -of trees or <br />bushes. Through. careful placement techniques, it was, possible to <br />design the path so that only 7 trees had to be removed, however. <br />24 trees would be relocated back to the private property and bushes <br />would be removed on 8 lets. if the property owners decide that they <br />prefer to save any of these trees, through giving an easement and <br />having the pate go further away from the roadway and around the trees # <br />the city would be happy to work with that property owner, <br />Based on. the results of the informational meeting, where several people <br />spoke in favor of the pathway, but more people spoke more loudly against <br />it, it would appear that any primary consideration will be the value <br />of the overall facilities of a pathway program versus the feeling of <br />the people along the direct route that they don't want it in front of <br />their house. A reflection of this is the fact that although letters <br />were sent to everyone on the south side of County Road B , : a s well as <br />the north side of County Road B, no one appeared or spore at the infor- <br />mational meeting from the south side of the road, because the pathway <br />was across the street and not adjacent to their home, I'm sure that <br />you recall that a recent scien' of ically conducted survey in the city <br />indicated a strong support of not only a pathway system, but for ex- <br />pending additional city funds for such a system. Not having the cen- <br />ter segment of County_ Road B would create a definite bole in the over- <br />all system <br />The recently held work sessions on the pathway system included the fact <br />that initially these facilities would be warm- weather use only and <br />would not be maintained during the winter. Therefore, neither the pro- <br />perty owners nor the city would be removing snow. I f , at such time in <br />the future the decision is made to-operate the facility 12 months out <br />of the year, it is anticipated that it would be the city that would do <br />the snow removal and not the citizens. As in the case of Lexington Ave- <br />nue, no assessements are anticipated in the project as a financing needs. <br />As was stated above, the state grant monies and revenue sharing funds <br />are the anticipated sources, It is suggested that although this is not <br />a public hearing officially, that the procedure be used as if it were a <br />public hearing. That would mean that the Public Works Director would <br />rake a presentation, a questions period would follow and then the citi- <br />en s could give their opinions on the project, prior to the council <br />taking action. <br />RECOMMENED ACTION: Adoption of a resolution approving the construction <br />of a b ikepath on CoUnty Road B from Haml ine Avenue <br />to Victoria Street 'identified as project M-80-6 and <br />authorizing the staff to prepare plans and specifi- <br />cations, <br />
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