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�2- <br />to cover these projects as well as others to achieve the same 30% <br />return, a rate of appro tely $800 per lot would be necessary. <br />This would be difficult for the propel omers . It would also man <br />that if a future project occurred which did not require street restor- <br />ation, but a fib price were used, that those awners wed be paying <br />this sates high fee unnecessarily. <br />It is, there fore , recommended that the as ses snt policy be charged <br />so that 25% of the costs of a project would be obtained through special <br />assessments. This J s as low as we can safely set the rate without <br />imperiling the bonding ability of the project and would be identical to <br />those of the street inprcven-ents . To illustrate the effect of such a <br />policy ,F the two pro 3 ects currently being shied would then end up with <br />assessments of $390 on one and $670 on the second (plus or minus) . <br />Again, rimer that if street restoration were not a part of these two <br />projects, the costs would have been under $300 for the first and appro i- <br />rrately.: $450 for the second, using the new policy. <br />The sanitary sewer rate was est lisped in 1967 at $10 per assessable foot. <br />At that time the rate also included the cast of the sewer service. It <br />was anticipated that such a rate would be equal to the total cost of the <br />typical 8 inch sanitary sewer and service. In the early 70's a change was <br />made whereby the service was charged for separately, but the $10 rate was <br />unchanged* Tease mote that these rates apply only to presently utilized <br />properties, rather than urAevelcped or vacant properties. Once again <br />inflation. has caused prices to go up to a point where it is desirable to <br />alter the rate <br />It is reCOMmnded that the rate be changed to l00% of <br />the actual cost, Mess this is found not to be typical, and in such <br />case the typical, cost of an 8 inch sanitary sewer and service vice would be <br />used. <br />The water main assessments are very sJun' lar to that of the sewer, -In 1969, <br />a f ' price of $8.50 was established for presently utilized property to <br />cover the oust of the water main and the service. Again, in the early <br />1970's, the policy was changed so that the services were charged for indep- <br />endently, but the $8.5o per assessable foot was retained. min, it is <br />reccmmded that the rate be changed to be 100% of the actual cost, unless <br />this is found not to be typical, and in such case the typical cost of a 6 <br />inch water nain would be used <br />It is inportsnt that this utter be resolved as soon as possible so that <br />the feasibility studies can be cmpleted and the hearings occur next <br />r onth . The exact wording to acca plish the change would then be worked <br />out with the attorney atmd the policy officially altered, <br />
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