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City Council Ordinances
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:24:14 AM
Creation date
5/11/2005 11:11:58 AM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Ordinances
Ordinance #
Ordinance Title
AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 1207, SECTIONS 1207.08, 1207.09, 1207.10, 1207.11, 1207.12, 1207.18, and 1207.25 NON EXCLUSIVE TRANSIT STOP SHELTER FRANCHISE
Ordinance Date Passed
Ordinance Date Published
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<br />1 the Public Works Director~ The maximum size of a shelter shall be ten feet (10') in height, <br />2 fourteen feet (14') in length, and five feet (5') in width erected upon a concrete pad ofmmcimum <br />3 ~ size fifteen fcct (15') in lcngth and six fcet (6') in width approved by the Public Works <br />4 Director. The length of a shelter shall be determined by the Public Works Director and shall be <br />5 dependent upon the number of buses or vehicles and users that frequent the bus stop. The <br />6 franchisee shall meet all local, state and federal requirements applicable to bus shelters, their <br />7 placement, and their use for public transit services. <br /> <br />8 1207.11: MAINTENANCE: <br /> <br />9 Franchisees shall maintain all shelters to the reasonable satisfaction of the Director of Public <br />10 Works as set out below. The transit shelters shall be maintained a minimum of once a week or <br />11 more frequently and on an as needed basis based on specific site needs at the discretion of the <br />12 Director of Public Works twice \vcckly with such maintenance to include sweeping, cleaning, <br />13 emptying trash receptacles, picking-up litter/debris about the shelter, removing graffiti/stickers, <br />14 removal of ice and snow from sidewalks constructed by the Franchisee leading to public <br />15 sidewalks in a manner such that each shelter shall be fully accessible within 12 hours of a snow <br />16 fall or other weather event. Franchisees shall power-wash the shelters and sidewalks at least <br />17 once each month, weather permitting. <br /> <br />18 Franchisees shall inspect each shelter a minimum of once a week, or more frequently and on an <br />19 as needed basis, based on specific site needs at least tv/ice vieckly for any damaged or broken <br />20 parts or burned-out lighting fixtures and franchisees shall repair or replace damaged or broken <br />21 parts and burned-out lighting fixtures within forty-eight (48) hours after they become aware of <br />22 the damage, breakage, or bum-out, or at the time of weekly maintenance, whichever is sooner. <br /> <br />23 1207.12: ADVERTISING: <br /> <br />24 Each transit shelter installed by franchisees shall contain panels for advertising displays as <br />25 specified in the franchisee's proposal and ordinance granting the particular franchise. Such <br />26 displays shall be used solely for advertising materials and/or public service announcements. <br />27 Franchisees shall use their best reasonable efforts to obtain revenue-generating advertisements <br />28 for the advertising display panels, except where unsold advertising panels shall be available for <br />29 City use on a space-available basis, and the City will provide the posters to the Franchisee for <br />30 posting in the shelters. thc City has the right to utilize a pancl for public service mmounccments. <br /> <br />31 Advertising size and placement shall be as follows: The shelter signage may be up to two (2) <br />32 four feet by six feet (4' x 6") advertising panels in a 2-sided ~display affixed to the end wall <br />33 of the shelter (or parallel to the road road \'.'all on a narrow right of way application) and <br />34 perpendicular to the roadway curb or edge viewable from one or both ends of the shelter. <br />35 Signage on shelters shall require permits as required by Chapter 1009 of this code. <br /> <br />36 Except with respect to the qumierly monthly fee payable to the City pursuant to Section 15 <br />37 hereof, franchisees shall have the right to retain all revenues generated from the advertising <br />38 displays on all transit shelters. Under no circumstances shall any advertising display contain <br />39 indecent or vulgar pictures, graphics or language or include advertising for any alcohol or <br />40 tobacco products. Franchisees shall not display advertising relating to contraception, <br />41 pornography, politics or religion. Franchisees shall remove within forty-eight (48) hours after <br />
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