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` 1 <br />i 1 <br />1 <br />CAS8 NUMBER: 1195 --79 <br />6 dune 1979 Page Two <br />We- -h&Ve one suggested- change' f or the site plan which we have discussed <br />with the architect, who will prepare a modified plan prior to the Planning <br />Commission meeting indicating thib change. The final drawings submitted <br />tb the City. did not recognize the requirement fora 15 foot setback to the <br />driveway serving the parking lot on the east side of the building. This <br />driveWd is dontiguous to Q unty load B--2 and is set hack three feet <br />from the. right -of --way line. The architect proposes to move the southerly <br />most building- 12 febt north, thereby providing for the 15 foot setback <br />.F <br />alone county Road B-2, 'This change will also solve ' the problem of having <br />adequate turning radius off the entrance drive to the right which will <br />be a one --way access east of the median strip seperating the access from <br />the egress driveway. <br />'- • r <br />6. A- single pylon sign is proposed on the Rice Street side of the property <br />' s e r ing both restaurants, You will mote the location of the sign on <br />the site plan, which' places it 20 feet from the near right -of --way line. <br />This - palaces the sign 37 f eet from the existing property lire (ordinance <br />regxirment i fe et ox wish to consider the variance <br />at 2 1 feet, the same as that, proposed on the Sam Cave developiment O Ile <br />feel this can accommodate a 100 square foot sign, which is the maximum <br />size allowed for this district. <br />