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COIL WORK SESSICN <br />July 23, 1979 - After regular meting <br />Re: Shoreview ose ille Storm Sewer rear victoria. <br />From: Public works Director, Charles V. Honchell <br />This new is to serve as a status report on the on-going consideration for <br />the construction of a joint outlet for the cities of Shoxevi.ew and Roseville, <br />to serer the area near Victoria and west Owasso Boulez* As you recall, <br />last year at a joint neeting of the two councils, it was determined that a <br />prcblem existed for Roseville where its pond in this area, because of unantici- <br />pated unde drainage. <br />Shoyeview also has storm drainage problezm on Lakes Judy and fly., Both <br />comTunities need the storm sewer outlet to Lake Owasso to resolve these problems <br />and it was obvious by jointly working on them, a substantial savings would be <br />obtained for each <br />The consulting finn of Short, Elliott, Hendrickson & Associates was authorized <br />to do -a feasibility study to solve these problems and the. feasibility study has <br />new been cowl.eted . The Engineering Staff of both conrm rr i ties have reviewed the <br />report and concur ar n the alignrrent and basic design for the outlet pipe. -it is <br />Doped that this construction can take place late this year so that it would be <br />available next spring for the snmm eIt, spring rain activity. <br />The problem of deter g the rust stable way of funding the project has <br />been the subject of several discussions for the last month between the staffs, <br />As you recall, last ninth an appare nt solution had been reached at the staff <br />Level based on a proposal by Roseville. This proposal was ]used on the nurrber <br />of acres of each community running directly to the pond plus $20,000 from <br />Shoreview to oversize the pipe for the Lake Judy - Lake Emily area and a ro 7- <br />mately $12,600 frcm Shoreview to pay for part of the ponding expenses for the <br />already constructed pond in Roseville, After reviewing this , Shoreview thLn <br />requested ted the, consultant to prepare another cost d ivi. s ion estimate assuming that <br />a larger higher pipe were built prior to any of the work in the Minnesota fealty <br />Plat being dome two years ago, Assuming this theoretical pipe construction and <br />using a nethod of wage plus in-pervious or runoff factors and the sarre $12,,600 <br />for part of the ponding expense, a different set of figures resulted. These are <br />shown on the acconpanying sheet identified as the Roseville Proposals and the <br />Shorevi.6w Proposals You will note that almst 6, -000 difference in shares <br />results, If the mid - point were picked between these two proposals, Roseville ' s <br />share would. be $144,000 and Shoreview approximately $77,000. <br />In an attest to resolve this - s i tuatti.on and find a. r tho'd which can be more <br />easily explained i and identified in both c ` ties , a caTpromise was suggested <br />to Shoreview. This caaprcmise, also shy on the accorq3anying sheet, would be <br />to split the cost 50/50 on the new pipe and have the city assurre the entire cost <br />of the p6nd which we have already built and paid. for. It is felt that this <br />solution would be fair to all concerned and protect I seville' s interests. The <br />staff supports this concept. This would result in slightly over $145,000 for <br />the City cost and slightly over $75,000 for Shoreview' s cost. That infcrmtion <br />was taken to the Shoreview Council this week though we have not been able to <br />determine their reaction as yet. <br />
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