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11 -_ August 17, 1979 <br />TO: Jim And, City Manager <br />r <br />FPM: Charles Hanehel.l., Public works Director �./ /�-,/ <br />SUB= v- 18 Special Assessment Projects for Assessment Hearing <br />On August 20, 1979, the ' 1 will be holding a public hearing <br />on 18 special assessment prof ects . soma of these-have features <br />which conceivably result in some confusion on the evening of the special <br />assessment hearing unless the background information was kncwn by the <br />Council and yoursel. f . There fore , the following is are being pre - <br />sented concerning a few of these projects, which hopefully will be used <br />in assisting the Council; <br />srJUL-76 -7A and 6 - Cleveland Avenue storm Sewer. The original hearing for <br />this prof ect when it was ordered in occurred prior to the changing. of the <br />assessrrent policy on storm sewers, A rate change frm 250 per lot to <br />$295 shortly after the inprovement hearing. It was stated by both myself <br />and Mr. Pnopovich, however, very clearly at the meeting that the $250 was <br />only the current rate as per the policy and it was anticipated the city <br />would be reviewing that policy in alb':._ likelihood increasing the amuat . <br />Councilman Grauel even had indicated to the people that he thought a. 50 <br />increase would be likely. The transcript reveals that no ore, neither" staff <br />or council, prcu ised the people or even indicated that the 250 ratae would <br />be foflawed if the Council increased the stoxm sewer assesscents before the <br />actual assessment hearing. <br />P�-76- 9 - Cleveland Avenue' Once again the Council assessment policy <br />was al after the hearing occurred. In this case the policy was changed <br />so that single family lots would not be assessed for the curb, gutter and pav:Lng. <br />The policy, however, states that in the event a new development or retorting <br />occurred within a. 3 year period, that the lots would be assessable. In the <br />case of the 5 lots . on the east side of Cleveland, hear Brermer, a subdividing <br />had occurred approx ately one year before the hearing.. The staff, therefore, <br />was obliged to send notices to those people that an assessment for the paving <br />was conflated* It is not the staff Is opinion that the assessment policy <br />intended these people to be assessed under these cJxcumstances, It is.,themfore, <br />reccmmended that the Council would drop the curb and gutter assessment for those <br />five Lots as part of the final roll. It might be noted that the Laity Attorney <br />is prepari -ng a language change for the policy which would correct this situation <br />in the future. <br />P- T -76 -23 -- Ate, Hxenner, Millwood, County Rand "D", The sanitary sewer and <br />watermins were assessed for these areas last year wl the paving and sty <br />sewer ncw being considered. Some people will likely object to the work being <br />done to serve their vacant propel, or along their side lots, but the assess- <br />mints are in keeping with the City policy for new roads, A recent a t <br />with Shoreview for the storm sewer outlet is not formally a part of this project, <br />although er obviously it will serve as the outlet for the pond. <br />
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