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<br />City Council Regular Meeting - 03/28/05 <br />Minutes - Page 12 <br /> <br />Councilmember Kough thanked Chief Sletner for her work <br />on this proposed ordinance, but expressed his concern <br />related to provocation of animals; kennel dimensions; and <br />determining authorities to enforce the ordinance; opining <br />his preference for enforcing state statutes at this time. <br /> <br />Acting Mayor Maschka, noting the lack of consensus for <br />this item, sought comment from City Manager Beets for <br />recommendation. <br /> <br />City Manager Beets noted that, in light of tonight's <br />comments, staff needed to determine amended language <br />that would keep provisions that staff felt were necessary to <br />supplement state statute for enforceability, and return at a <br />later date for further Council review of those amendments. <br /> <br />Acting Mayor Maschka requested that Councilmember <br />Ihlan provide her recommendations to staff for inclusion <br />in revised language. <br /> <br />City Manager Beets noted staff s preference to get <br />something in place at this time of year, given its nature for <br />more complaints. Mr. Beets further noted that state <br />statutes often set the framework, with local legislation <br />necessary to fill in the gaps. Mr. Beets recommended that <br />staff simplify the ordinance so that it didn't repeat state <br />law, but adopted it by reference; and after revisions, Police <br />Chief Sletner could return to provide her field perspective <br />as to whether the proposed ordinance would be adequate. <br />Mr. Beets advised that staff had included statute language <br />within the body of the proposed ordinance to ease <br />residents' review rather than their need for comparison, <br />but noted that staff would provide a copy of state statute, <br />as an addendum to the proposed ordinance, for reference. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan expressed her concern that the <br />Council not serve as an appeal board. <br /> <br />Kough moved, Maschka seconded, tabling until the April <br />18, 2005 Council Study Session, consideration of <br />