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<br />City Council Study Session - 03/21/05 <br />Minutes - Page 22 <br /> <br />from the City Attorney or an independent legal source, given the <br />City Attorney's involvement in one of the charges in question by <br />her. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan further questioned the policy decision <br />regarding Twin Lakes litigation and how to provide a public <br />update on the terms of the retainer for legal services, and how <br />and when those terms could be made available (i.e., hourly rates, <br />City responsibility above and beyond insurance coverage, and <br />process for approving an paying those legal fees). <br />Councilmember Ihlan noted she would be amenable to having <br />discussion of this item on the next City Council agenda. <br /> <br />Councilmember Ihlan concluded her concerns related to these <br />issues by opining that the city would feel obligated to proceed <br />with the project, given the need to recover legal and/or <br />consulting fees. Councilmember Ihlan requested staff <br />preparation of background information, and other alternatives, <br />prior to the next Council discussion. <br /> <br />Finance Director Miller clarified that expenses were not being <br />charged against future TIF, but to established City reserves for <br />these types of expenditures. Mr. Miller noted, however, that the <br />expenses were tracked as eligible expenses should a TIF District <br />be established, but if not they remained taken from reserves. <br /> <br />Staff was directed staff to address Councilmember Ihlan's <br />concerns as part of a staff memo for a potential agenda item in <br />the near future. <br /> <br />14. <br /> <br />Update and Discussion on Park Dedication for the Target <br />Redevelopment <br />Councilmember Ihlan requested an update on negotiations <br />related to park dedication for the Target redevelopment project. <br /> <br />City Manager Beets advised that he and Parks and Recreation <br />Director Brokke had recently met with Target representatives; <br />and those officials have taken the City's position under <br />advisement. Mr. Beets anticipated a response from Target within <br />two weeks. <br /> <br />Update and <br />Discussion <br />Park Dedication <br />Target <br />Redevelopment <br />