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<br />City Council Study Session - 01124/05 <br />Minutes - Page 19 <br /> <br />Staff was directed, by consensus, to include this item on the <br />January 31, 2005 Consent Agenda. <br /> <br />Further discussion included the possibility of a Closed Executive <br />Session at 5:00 p.m. on January 31, 2005 for and update and <br />discussion on Twin Lakes litigation. Staff was so-directed by <br />consensus. <br /> <br />City Attorney Anderson clarified the purpose and restrictions <br />related to Open Meeting laws. <br /> <br />City Attorney Anderson noted that the park dedication issues <br />related to the Twin Lakes and Roseda1e projects were <br />straightforward, but requested additional time to review the <br />Target Corporation project and how reconfiguration of the <br />parcels fit with Statute and City Code language and definitions <br />for development; and anticipated his written legal opinion by the <br />January 31, 2005 Council meeting. Mr. Anderson noted that, <br />once he completes his review, it would remain for the City <br />Council to provide final arbitration on the open issues not clear <br />in the ordinance. <br /> <br />John Kysylyczyn, 3083 N Victoria Street <br />Mr. Kysy1yczyn reminded Counci1members of City Code <br />stipulating that tape recordings be made, for potential future <br />review by a judge, of all Closed Executive Sessions. <br /> <br />9. Update on Status of Recycling Study Recycling Study <br />At the request of Counci1member Schroeder, staff had prepared Update <br />an update on the status of the Recycling Study. <br /> <br />Counci1member Schroeder called for Point of Personal Privilege <br />and expressed his disappointment that Mr. Pratt, as the Recycling <br />Coordinator, was not in attendance at tonight's meeting to <br />provide this report, rather than City Manager Beets. <br /> <br />Discussion ensued regarding the City Council's authority and the <br />City Manager's authority in determining the staff person to make <br />a report and their availability. <br /> <br />City Manager Beets provided a history of the recycling program <br />