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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
2/15/2012 11:31:49 AM
Creation date
2/15/2012 11:30:29 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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559 Mr. Maloney opined that this sounded like a good theme; and clarified that the former "report cards" <br />560 familiar to and committed to by the GLWMO Board in the past was prior to the NDPES requirements of <br />561 cities; with MS4's providing sufficient document for the GLWMO and the public to understand the <br />562 actions, and the replacement of the report cards by the MS4 annual reports. <br />563 <br />564 It was GLWMO Board consensus and the understanding of both representatives of member cities that the <br />565 GLWMO Board was not intending this item to be regulatory in nature at all, and simply for synergy <br />566 purpose. <br />567 <br />568 Further discussion included changing wording in the implementation section of the Plan to "facilitating <br />569 standard adoption;" and reducing that budget from $19,000 to $7,500 at the recommendation of Ms. <br />570 Correll; review by Ms. Correll and Mr. Petersen of the revised work plan and budget amount for the <br />571 TMDL /WRAPP study; and increasing the retrofit analysis portion to $15,000. <br />572 <br />573 Member Von De Linde expressed her concern that the Board was attempting to accomplish too much in <br />574 2012, and rather than succeeding would be setting themselves up for failure; with Chair Eckman <br />575 concurring that some of those 2012 implementation projections needed to be deferred. <br />576 <br />577 With Board concurrence, Ms. Correll advised that an additional item to be added to the list for 2014 <br />578 would be the "Major Plan Amendment." <br />579 <br />580 Further discussion included increasing the budget to $100,000 for BMP's in headwater neighborhoods for <br />581 consultations, design and actual installation; awaiting results of the TMDL /WRAPP to determine what <br />582 the GLWMO could realistically afford; analyzing implementation projects to ensure the Board is ready <br />583 for the next step once the study is fmalized; defining retrofit as analysis; determining available funds and <br />584 those projects reliant on obtaining grant funds. <br />585 <br />586 Ms. Correll advised that the "storm water retrofit analysis for Lake Owasso headwaters" made her <br />587 nervous, since this would be evaluated as part of the WRAPP and that study would provide the most cost - <br />588 effective options to get it projects installed. <br />589 <br />590 Chair Eckman noted that the GLWMO Board was focused on sub - watersheds, as suggested in the BARR <br />591 study and defining those areas with the highest phosphorus loads. Chair Eckman directed Ms. Correll to <br />592 make it clear in the Plan, while not being redundant, that the GLWMO was committed to focus on the <br />593 2008 BARR report "hot spots" for design and construction/installation retrofits of BMP's. Chair Eckman <br />594 suggested increasing the budget for retrofits to $15,000, and $100,000 for design/construction. <br />595 <br />596 Mr. Petersen suggested identifying cost responsibilities for design/construct between the GLWMO and <br />597 grant funds. Mr. Petersen advised that he would also modify, in a broader context and with a higher <br />598 projected cost, shoreline assessments for other water bodies beyond Lake Emily erosion plans. <br />599 Mr. Maloney suggested that, while there were always projects to be done, they all cost money; and that <br />600 the Board may wish to state that they would work cooperatively with property owners with unique <br />601 situations. <br />602 <br />603 Further discussion included whether there was any GLWMO participation opportunities with the Rice <br />604 Street reconstruction project to achieve storm water retrofits, with Mr. Schwartz advising that RCWD was <br />605 the lead agency on that project, and Mr. Petersen directed to remove that project to better focus on where <br />606 the GLWMO could make a difference; and also directing Mr. Petersen to remove the Shoreview Lake <br />607 redevelopment as it was not a practical use of GLWMO funds. <br />608 <br />12 <br />
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