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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
2/15/2012 11:31:49 AM
Creation date
2/15/2012 11:30:29 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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609 Additional discussion included ongoing access to member cities GIS user group, with Member <br />610 Miller advising that he had a fair amount of experience with GIS, and could perform some of the <br />611 work in -house to reduce costs and depending on the nature of specific projects, with Mr. <br />612 Petersen directed to reduce that budget to $2,500 in aggregate; with Ms. Correll suggesting <br />613 breaking it out in the Implementation Plan consistent with the Third Generation Plan. <br />614 <br />615 Further discussion included the sufficiency of the $3,300 monthly retainer for technical <br />616 assistance from an engineering consultant depending on GLWMO specifics for those services <br />617 that would serve to define actual costs; separate listing and budget for "annual water and <br />618 phosphorus budget as suggested by Member Westerberg; and including a "Major Events" <br />619 column with a cost of $70,000 for firm development of the Major Plan Amendment #14 and <br />620 "Volunteer Monitoring and Equipment." <br />621 <br />622 Ms. Correll clarified that the budget would reflect all items relative to the $300,000 final budget <br />623 for the next three (3) years. <br />624 <br />625 Education <br />626 Chair Eckman provided to Board members her comments in red to Ms. Correll's draft (no copy <br />627 available), opining that the most important thing was to change behaviors and cultures through <br />628 developing relationship with individual champions, cities; and working cooperatively with others to <br />629 achieve goals. <br />630 <br />631 Member Westerberg noted that a Citizen Advisory Group (CAG) would eliminate the proposed combined <br />632 group; with Ms. Correll advising that BWSR feedback indicated that the Technical Advisory Group and <br />633 the CAG be kept separate. <br />634 <br />635 While seeming to be an ambitious implementation program, Ms. Correll noted that there were things <br />636 identified in it that she would need to add to the Plan; and other things that would need to be implemented <br />637 in the final seven (7) years of the ten (10) year Plan, including coordinating how to measure increased <br />638 levels of stewardship. <br />639 <br />640 Additional discussion included future hiring of an FTE on a contract basis for communication; someone <br />641 to build a relationship with the media; and working with the current provider/host or create a Request for <br />642 Proposals (RFP); determining the capability of the current GLWMO Board website; with Member <br />643 Westerberg opining that this should be a high priority; and a timeline for delivery by FOR of the next <br />644 draft of the Third Generation Plan, anticipated at the regular December meeting after meeting with <br />645 member cities. <br />646 <br />647 Misc. <br />648 Members Westerberg and Von De Linde volunteered to attend the upcoming Lake Owasso Vegetation <br />649 Management Plan meeting scheduled for November 29, 2011 in the Burr Oak Room at the Roseville City <br />650 Hall. <br />651 <br />652 Mr. Petersen advised that he had confirmed with Roseville City staff the availability of audio /video <br />653 recording for the November 17, 2011 Public Hearing, with the GLWMO Board meeting immediately <br />654 prior to the Hearing in the Willow Room from 4:00 — 6:00 p.m., then moving to upstairs to the City <br />655 Council Chambers at the Roseville City Hall. <br />656 <br />657 Adiourn <br />13 <br />
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