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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
2/15/2012 11:31:49 AM
Creation date
2/15/2012 11:30:29 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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Chair Eckman noted the preference to make the entire process as transparent as possible; and <br />reviewed the proposed meeting format for October 27 to seek consensus on the weighting of and <br />criteria. Chair Eckman advised that Mr. Miller would then make those adjustments at the <br />meeting on the software program, at which time Mr. Schwartz would print copies of the revised <br />base line for further discussion at the meeting prior to formal action to adopt them. <br />Chair Eckman advised that Task Force Member Steve Solomonson suggested that a strong <br />facilitator would serve to keep things objective and moving forward; and would contact a former <br />3M colleague living in the GLWMO, Dave Eng, to serve as the facilitator at no expense, with in- <br />kind payment being provided by Chair Eckman at an upcoming Habitat for Humanity work day. <br />4) Watershed Restoration and Protection Plan (WRAPP — formerly known as the TNIDL <br />Study) <br />Ms. Correll advised that she had no update at this time while waiting for a revised work plan to be <br />provided by Ms. Asleson of MPCA. <br />5) Review and Approve revisions to the DRAFT Third Generation Plan to satisfy Agency <br />Requirements AND Review and Approve Responses to Draft Plan Comments by State <br />Agencies, Local Governments, and Citizens of the Watershed <br />Ms. Correll provided a ninety -one (91) page summary entitled, "Grass Lake Watershed <br />Management Organization — 2011 Watershed Management Plan" dated October 20, 2011, <br />outlining specific responses to comments received during the 60 day review period; attached <br />hereto and made apart hereof. <br />At the request of Chair Eckman, Ms. Correll reviewed those responses for which she had <br />questions or those needing additional GLWMO Board discussion, or directly related to initial <br />comments from individual Board members and needing consensus for further direction. <br />Comment # 113 <br />In reference to Chair Eckman's review comment, Ms. Correll advised that she had verbally <br />covered this response in her meeting with BWSR representatives; and since then had modified <br />that activity, and she would add that to the reference. <br />Comment #127 (reference page 132 of the Draft Third Generation Plan) <br />Mr. Petersen provided a bench handout entitled, "Draft Implementation of Technical Programs, <br />Studies, and/or Projects 2012 thru 2014;" attached hereto and made a part hereof,• providing <br />additional detail for BMP cost -share incentives programs as required by BWSR. <br />Discussion included the nature of the BMP programs directed toward riparian buffers and <br />shoreline management; grant request through the City of Shoreview for shoreline restoration; <br />study versus implementation- driven activities; how to target, identify and/or update homeowners <br />for restoring existing buffers or installing buffers where none currently exist; availability of sights <br />from the 2007 Washington/Ramsey geographic study before the UAA or updating rather than <br />recreating; additional information on other water bodies within the GLWMO beyond Lake <br />Owasso; and including Lake Emily in the Draft Third Generation WMP. <br />Ms. Correll suggested including a future project for developing protective measures for externally <br />impaired water bodies, as well as those not impaired. <br />Additional discussion included including costs for studies similar to that for Lake Owasso for <br />other water bodies and ranked by priority; a study similar to that done for Long Lake to be <br />
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