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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
2/15/2012 11:42:17 AM
Creation date
2/15/2012 11:41:29 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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557 Third Generation Plan was achieved. The chair expressed that it is her opinion that "final product' is <br />558 a draft Plan submitted to the reviewing state agencies for the 90 day review period. <br />559 <br />560 Discussion ensued regarding the disappointment of the GLWMO Board that the detail in delivering <br />561 the response -to- comments to the agencies had been lost in the shuffle and not followed -up by FOR as <br />562 a consultant to the GLWMO Board; and the need that a standard practice for the Board to follow on <br />563 this that and any future contract negotiated will include a provision that the total amount should not <br />564 be paid in their entirety until satisfactory work was completed and ownership of documents assured <br />565 for the GLWMO Board. <br />566 <br />567 Chair Eckman suggested that, if the GLWMO remained independent, that future negotiations of <br />568 contracts consider all facets of the value of a firm's services not just a firm submitting the lowest bid. <br />569 It is also important that the potential supplier bids a high enough price with sufficient contingencies <br />570 so that neither party loses in the bargain. Build in for unexpected events along the way. <br />571 <br />572 5.e.5 Lake Owasso Vegetation Management Plan <br />573 Member Von De Linde briefly reported on her attendance at a recent meeting on updating the <br />574 Lake Owasso Vegetation Management Plan; and her opinion that it was a good educational <br />575 experience for her and others attending. <br />576 <br />577 Mr. Petersen asked that individual GLWMO Board members review the Plan over the next week <br />578 and send their comments or thoughts to him to forward to them by their next meeting scheduled <br />579 in early January, specific to the goals and objectives to ensure they were in concert with the <br />580 GLWMO Watershed Plan. <br />581 <br />582 Chair Eckman noted the main concern that the GLWMO Board be notified whenever a permit <br />583 application for vegetation treatment was issued by the DNR and to automatically receive a copy <br />584 of all DNR approved permits. <br />585 <br />586 Mr. Petersen noted that Lake Owasso had originally been grandfathered in, however, that ability <br />587 ends in early 2014; but at this time they were allowed to spray more aggressively than other water <br />588 bodies; and if agreed to by permitees and the DNR, their Plan would now need to be developed <br />589 within and comply with the parameters of State Statute. <br />590 <br />591 Discussion included current vegetation management practices; permit requirements of other <br />592 watershed districts; types of native vegetation and invasive species targeted; and notification <br />593 provided to the GLWMO of any chemicals used and what was being treated and when to avoid <br />594 issues with ongoing studies sponsored by the WMO. <br />595 <br />596 Mr. Petersen reiterated his request of individual GLWMO Board members to allow him to <br />597 compose a composite response from the GLWMO to the DNR by the end of December of 2011. <br />598 <br />599 Chair Eckman Annual Report/Letter <br />600 Chair Eckman submitted a 2011 Letter from the Chair dated December of 2011 providing an Annual <br />601 Report or Summary of the GLWMO for the year. <br />602 <br />603 Members thanked Chair Eckman for submitting the report as her tenure on the Board and her <br />604 Chairmanship in 2011 came to an end. <br />605 <br />606 Mr. Petersen noted that Chair Eckman's summary would be incorporated into the GLWMO's 2011 <br />607 Annual Report; which will be discussed at the January 19, 2012 GLWMO Board meeting. <br />12 <br />
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