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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
2/15/2012 11:42:17 AM
Creation date
2/15/2012 11:41:29 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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202 Public hearing on November 17, 2011, it was the recommendation of Ms. Lewis that those response - <br />203 to- comments go out as soon as possible; with a draft transmittal letter submitted to Mr. Petersen for <br />204 the GLWMO Board to consider at tonight's meeting; Another Public Hearing for the draft 3`a <br />205 Generation Plan is now required after the state review agencies have received the written responses to <br />206 comments. <br />207 <br />208 Watershed Restoration and Protection Plan ( WRAPP) <br />209 Ms. Correll further reviewed the FOR December 14, 2011 memo regarding the next steps concerning <br />210 the WRAPP work plan with the MPCA; and recommendations by the MPCA that the GLWMO <br />211 solicit feedback from the three (3) MS4 members (Cities of Roseville, Shoreview and Ramsey <br />212 County); the Ramsey/Washington Metro Watershed District ( RWMWD) and the Vadnais Lake Area <br />213 Watershed Management Organization ( VLAWMO) at a joint meeting of those groups. Ms. Correll <br />214 suggested that this meeting be scheduled as soon as possible; after which an additional meeting for <br />215 the public / stakholders is recommended for additional review and comment by GLWMO stakeholders. <br />216 <br />217 Chair Eckman noted that given current uncertainties and without the MPCA commitment for WRAPP <br />218 work -plan approval at this point in time, it remained uncertian what the Third Generation Plan would <br />219 actually entail. <br />220 <br />221 Motion 11 -1211-3 <br />222 Member Miller moved, and Member Von De Linde seconded approval of directing Mr. Petersen to <br />223 schedule a meeting as soon as possible, preferably before year -end, for the GLWMO Board to solicit <br />224 feedback on the WRAPP and draft work plan, as well as future governance and the pending JPA, <br />225 from the three (3) MS4 members (Cities of Roseville, Shoreview and Ramsey County); the <br />226 Ramsey/Washington Metro Watershed District ( RWMWD) and the Vadnais Lake Area Watershed <br />227 Management Organization ( VLAWMO) at a joint meeting of those groups; including an invitation to <br />228 the MPCA to have a presence at that meeting as well. <br />229 <br />230 Discussion included rationale in including both the RWMWD and VLAWMO as they are both <br />231 hydrologically connected to the GLWMO and potential merger with one or the other agency; <br />232 problematic timing in scheduling a meeting with the holidays, while still preferable to accomplish <br />233 before year -end; intent of the MPCA to determine interest and commitment from member <br />234 communities as it relates to the TMDL/WRAPP study and compliance with the Third Generation <br />235 Plan's Implementation Goals; and who will participate in that work plan and potential ramifications <br />236 in addressing tasks, subtasks and time and information commitments to feed into the study and <br />237 implementation plan. <br />238 <br />239 Mr. Conrad noted that this request of MPCA is somewhat unusual as typically MS4's are regulated <br />240 by the individual communities, and expressed his perception of this attempt during development of a <br />241 TMDL study to tell MS4 communities what they need to do. However, Mr. Conrad noted that since <br />242 the MCPA was the benefactor and paying for the WRAPP, this may explain their rationale for this <br />243 unusual request. <br />244 <br />245 Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion carried. <br />246 <br />247 Ms. Correll noted that it had been the recommendation of the MPCA that the GLWMO solicit <br />248 feedback from key stakeholders in the GLWMO throughout the planning process, specifically naming <br />249 lake associations; and was unsure of the MPCA's intent or rationale in that recommendation. Ms. <br />250 Correll advised that it was her intent to seek further clarification from the MPCA on that issue and <br />251 their suggested notification requirements that would provide assurances to them that the proposed <br />252 WRAPP work- plan was the right plan for this watershed. Once that clarification was available, Ms. <br />
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