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February 1, 1978 <br />PLAiVPd I��G REPORT <br />CASE NUt�1BER: <br />APPLICAPdT : <br />LOCAT I Of� : <br />ACTIOP•i REQU�STED: <br />PLANNING CONSID�RASIONS: <br />].090-78 <br />M & M Development Corporation <br />Northwest Corner of County Road B and <br />Fier�che�Z Stree� <br />Su�division of �and <br />1. You will recall that at �he time of the rezoning and platting a�F the Allied <br />Stores property (�rimarily from Industrial to B-1 and 8-18}, i�e praperty <br />along County Road 6 was zoned 8-1. Exce�i for the day care center (on <br />Loi 4), the remainder of this B-1 land along Caunty Road B was left in a <br />single lot. � <br />2. The properiy at the northwest corner of Herschel� and County Road 6 was <br />' proposed to be used for an expansion of the Golden Age Nursing !-1ome, which <br />of course exists in RoseviZle at County f�oad B, east af Snelling Avenue. <br />This land has been 501d to the Golden Age Nursing iiome oeople on the <br />condition that a certificate of need vrould be avai�able from the State. <br />I� turned out that the State ti•ias not in a position to grant the �ertificate <br />of Need and therefore this sa�e was not consumated: The remainder of tY�e <br />land to the east was to 6e used for an office building. <br />3. Ni and �'l Development Corporation, who purchased the land from Allied S�ores, <br />now proposes to construct a three s�ory office building on the site formerly <br />proposed for ihe nursing home. The buiiding is located much like a$ <br />originally pro�osed with the nursing home except that the building covers <br />less ground area and it is three stories hiqt�. A co{�y of the site p�an <br />is attached shov��ing the locaiion af the ponding area tas or�ginally propsaed) <br />and the parking oriented �o tf�e west and north of the structure.(away from <br />the churches and schovls across County Road B�. You will no�e provis-ions <br />for a common access drive off County Road B as orig-+nal�y proposed. The <br />s�uare footage of the building will be 29,160 sc�uare feet for which the <br />appropriate parking (5 spaces per 1,000} are provided on the site. You <br />will note there is considerable green space around the building ta the <br />east and south as was suggested in preliminary conversations with the <br />applicant. <br />�. Attached also is a copy of the si�e plan proposed for the cent�r portion <br />o'F the land which will consist of 1.25 acres. This land is to be develaped <br />wi�h an office building w�th a total of 10,000 square feet in a ane story <br />building. Fifty �5fl) Qarking spaces are provided as required, as tivell as <br />a port�on of the north-south acces5 drive alor�n the east side of this <br />property. �his proper�y would have 148 feet of frontage on County Raad B. <br />