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CASE NUM�ER: 1090-78 <br />February I, I91$ <br />Page Two <br />The buzlding is set back to be in lin� with the building nroposed to the <br />ea�t. <br />�. Both office buildings proposed will be af brick cons�tructian utilizing <br />the same brick for both buildings. This brick color is called "medium <br />tor�e ming1e" an� can be seen an an o#'fice buildinn owned by the applicant <br />at County Road C and New Highway 8. ��lood �rim on tF�e bui�din� wili be <br />a dark stain�d cedar tv match LaBe11e's. The glass will be solar bronze <br />with frames in "anociized bronze a�uminum". The f�ashing on all the <br />huildings will be dark brown. The inteni is to relate the two buildings <br />through the use of bui1ding materials, t�ough the architects <br />on each building will of course, be di�Fferent. The architects have <br />prepared exterior elevations of the building which will be �resenied at <br />large scale at the Planning Comrr►ission hearing_ <br />6. The division as prapo5ed leaves a parcel to the wesi consisting of 2.2 <br />acres. 41e are infarmed by the app�icants that there are several pro�pects <br />for the use of this land for office purposes, and it is anticipateci that <br />the land will be developed in ihe relatively near future. <br />�. Site plan approval is not required in the B-1 Disirict, al�hough in this <br />case the applicants }�ave prepared complete site plans for both the <br />buildin9s as a demonstration of the validity of the proposea lot divisian. <br />The coordination of the design of the two buildings, and their very <br />large setbacks fram County Ro�d B, 4re feel are co�sidera�le assets in <br />the development of this property. The developjnent of the common access <br />road between the two properties(as origina�ly planned) is also an asset <br />in aliowing internal circula�ion withjn this black, without diverting <br />traffic to 'the public s-treet system to move from one site to the other. <br />