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t���-lEFtEAS, the ci �y i�as an affi ci al speci al assessr�ent pol i cy contai r�ed <br />in Yesolution i1a. e�72 adopted flarch 2b, 7977, and <br />l•lH�RE{IS, it sets fort�� assessment rates t►f�ich are partially responsib�e <br />for �he llinnesota State llid (E1.S.A.) roadrray syster�� beinq 1eft in beiov�r siandard <br />condition, and <br />41fi�REAS, the ci i_y i s bei nc� penal i zed by not acti ng to bri ng the t•i. SA. <br />systern up to standard, and <br />LdHEREFIS, t}ie counci 1 recogni zes the general cammuni ty need ta bri rrg the <br />Al. 5.11. and County road4�,ays up to standard and deternine �%idt �fli S need, togeti�er <br />tiri th the i nconveni ences of 1 i vi r�c� ai ong such road�;:ays, overshadows the benet3 is <br />received. <br />t-�Ok•1, TH�f:�FOP.E, QE IT RESQLIIC� by the Ci ty Counci l of ihe C� ty of <br />P.osevilZe, i�linnesota, ar�er�ds'= 5ection 2(h) and (3) �o read as follo�vs: <br />2. The fo71o���inn assessment formulas shall a�ply ta any suc� upgrad�nc� <br />af publ i c road���ys under tize C� ty' s j uri sdi �ti on : <br />(�} R-1 and R-2 property tl�at is not tax exer�pt tiriiicF� abuts t�iine�es��a <br />5tate F�i d Ci ty road�•�ays silal l nflt be assessed for upgrad�ng s�rcF� <br />roadt�rays. Ail properties ��i��r than s�c�� R--1 and R-2 non tax exerzpt <br />pro�Prties shall be assessed p�rsua_nt ta this �ara�rapF� for upgrading <br />�•li r�nry�o�a 5tate �►i cf ci ty roadti•rays . <br />3. R-1 and �-2 property that is nat tax exer�p� ���izicn abuts exiStinR <br />usuabi e, ter��arary ro�dti•rays under t}�e County j uri sdi cti an to be upgraded to <br />perr�ar.ertt raadurays �rit}� Eu�� an�i guiter shall no� be assessed for s�rch upgrad�r�gs. <br />�111 properties oti�er than such P--1 anc� p--2 non tax exe�:tot properties abuttinq <br />exi sfi nc� usuabl e ter�porary roadti•rays undzr tr�e county `s j uri sdi cti on to be up�raded <br />to permanent roao}rays 1-l�th cUrb ar�d gut�er, al� provisions of paragraph 2 shall <br />apply. In the event the specia� assessment �rocedure st�ould resul� in niore fund� <br />�ein� di�e the city fror.i speciai assessr:ertts tt�an tF�e total cost to t#�e city of ti�e <br />ir�prover�ents of a cac�nty road�ray, asse5sments for suciz nro��rties stlall be re- <br />duced proportionately until the tota] assessr.ten�s equal tt�e ic�tal city cos�s of <br />the �r�provemer�� to that couniy roadt•1ay. <br />