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R�QUEST �'OR COU�CiI. l��1"tON �A��: <br />AGENOA SEC7IQN: <br />REPORTS AND RECOMEN�ENDATiONS <br />ITE[N N0. <br />�� <br />ITEM DESCRlPTION' <br />71NG DEPT. / �[V_ _ <br />PUB�IC 4�JORKS <br />Upgrading af Rice Street North of Trunk �l�ghway 36 <br />DEPT_ lIEAD APPRdVAL.- <br />� L� r% <br />tvIGR. REy�tEWED/RECOfv1iNEND5: <br />The Minnesota Department of Transportation has studied the raadway situation <br />on Rice Street between irunk Highway 3fi and I-694. They have determined that <br />the roadway is in need of �pgrading and therefore have prepared preliminary <br />�lans tF�at would accomplish this. They are reques�ing that t�ase prelimir�ary <br />plans be reviewed by the City and approval given so that the state might proceed witl- <br />the detra�led design af the improvement. <br />The existing facility �as varying widths bu� is predominately two lanes wicte with <br />gravel shoUlders. The wark is propose� to begin at Demor�t Avenue, w�ich is half- <br />way between 7ransi t Avenue and Wewers Road, and proceecf northeriy io I-694. The <br />exceptian wauld be the railroad bridge partions wh�ch wi�l be done at a later <br />date by the state. The predominant design is to have a 33 foat center- le'F�-turn <br />sectiona a i2 �ovt travel lane in each directian and an 8 faot emergency stop <br />lane plus curb and gutter on each side. At tt�e intersection of County Road "C" <br />this design has been �aodified slightiy to provide �or full turn �ov�ments in alt <br />di recti ons and such modi fi cati ons are al ready i n pi ace at �he l�ittl e Car�ada <br />intersection. It is proposed that the traffic signal at Gounty Road "C" be <br />improved as wel l when thi s acti vi ty talces pl ace, � <br />7he proposal establ i shes several areas i n the left-turn secti on whi ch are <br />desi gnated as non-througf� traffi c areas . Ti�ese are noi concrete i sl ands , however, <br />bat are merely stri ppi ng an the pavement. ihe I-lighway Depar#.ment �as ind3 cated <br />that this would mean that even if they are in front of a dr�veway tha� they <br />c�uld be crossed by the resideni5. This would not impe�le access ta those sites. <br />The entire projeci is designed to stay within the existing state right-of-way for <br />final coristruction. It will, hawever, come within app roximate3y 6 feet of this <br />line fnr the entire �istance south of Maple Lane. ihis wiil probably resuit ir� <br />temporary canstruction slape easements on numerous parcels . The state -is <br />propsmng to leave the existing pavement intact and overlay ii, p�us more or <br />less pave over the existir�g shoulders and add the curb and gutter �ecizon �a �t. <br />Storm drains will aiso be constructed by th� state where necessary anci some <br />exis�ing utilities w�ll �ave to be adjusted. 7his type of construction would <br />not resu7t in any major grade changes along the road and it is also proposed that <br />traffi c waul d remai n on the roacE�ray throug�,out the cansiructi onppet�i dd. <br />The work is schedule to go to con�ract this fal] and then have �he actual cons�ructi <br />begin in 1979. All work should be compieted dur�ng that cons�ruction �eason. The <br />siate would be returning to the city w�hen final �lans are completed to hav� those <br />a�proved as well. <br />Ii woul d no� appear practi cal bucasse of the 1 imi ted ri g�tt-of-way anc# slopes <br />invaived to con$iruct a sidewaZk adjacent ta the road��ay �or any pnrtion south <br />af P-laple Lane. The area bet��reen ���ap7e Lane and th� �orth baundary would be <br />possi bi e, but V�oul d have 1 i mi ted Use. Rather� i t would appear thai the pedestri ans <br />and bi cycl i sts w�ul d� n a� i prabab� 1 i ty use �he 8 foot tivi de so-cal 1 ed breadown 1 an�. <br />There tivoul d be a e�:hi te s tri pe pai nt�d between th� thru traf�Fi c porti vn of the <br />road�ray i n thi s 1 ane ta ai d i n del i ni eati ng tfie area. The state does not i ntend <br />ho��ever, to mark i�t for �i cycl i sts or pedestri ans . It ��i 11 al sa be a problefrr <br />at Little Canat�a Ra�d and County Road "C" wher� this lane d�sa:pp�ars becau$e of <br />the ���3 intersection design at ihmse loca��ons . <br />