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<br />�gu].ar Me2ting ot the City Colmcil - Marah 13, 1978
<br />Th� City Cr�Y:,r�r:il �iet cm the abovt date with the following members present:
<br />CoLmci]men Franke, Anderson, G�rley, Kehr, and Mayor D�.
<br />A-1 Curley Nbv�d, Frarilce Seconded, thai the minut�es of the regular meet�.ng of
<br />Februa.ry 27, 1.978, be approved. i�lZ Call, Ayes: :rranke, Anderson,
<br />Curley, Kehr and Denras . Nays : Naaie o
<br />Ctiirley Moved, And,erson Seconded that the Coimcil join with the Mayor in
<br />proclaiming May 3, �978, as "Sun Day,'. RA:I1 Cp.11, Ayes: Franke,
<br />Andex�sar�, Gurley, Kehr, and Dem�s. Nays: t�ne.
<br />BrI Anderson Nbved, Franke Sec�orid�ed, that HerbPx� Kath's req��est for final
<br />plat at 2125 Hamline Avenue be contin�ed until the Counci]. meeti.ng o£
<br />Marrh 27, Z978. Rc�11 Ca.11, Ayes : Franke, Ax�,erson, C�irley, Kehr, and
<br />Demos. Nays: None.
<br />B-2 And�ex'soaz. A'bv�d► Kehr Seco�ded that Glen Stoclanan's reqwest for special
<br />use permit at 2370 Prior Av�nue be approved wi-rh the car�d�tio�n that the
<br />building be spranklered. I�ll Call, Ayes: FYanke, Anderson, G�zr1eY.
<br />Kehr, and Deims. Nays: None.
<br />B�- 3 K�Yir Nbv�d, Frar�lce Seconded, that Paul Rabert' s rec�uest for final plat
<br />at 2U75 Rice Street be continued tuztil the Council meeting of March 27,
<br />1978. Roll Ca.11, Ayes: Franke, Andersca�, G�xley, Kehr, and Dem�s.
<br />Nays: I�e.
<br />� G�rley Nbved, Kehr Secanded, that M. M. Develop�ttent Corpora�on' s re--
<br />quest for final p�at at I751 County Roa,d B be co�tinued until the
<br />Co�cil meeting of March 27, 1978. 1�11 Ca.11, Ayes: Franke, Ande.x�son,
<br />Gtiirley, Kehr, and D�ztr�s . Nays : None .
<br />�5 �.irley Moved, Kehr Seconded, that Paster F,hterprises' request to
<br />withdra�w their applzcation for rezariing fro�tt B-2 to B-3, special. use
<br />permit and varianoe to setback at 1741 Lexingtoa� be appraved. �11
<br />Call, Ayes: Franke, Anderso�, C_�iley, KP�r, and De�s. I�1ays: �Ione.
<br />C-1 C�rley Nbv�d, Kehr Secx�ded� that George Gilliland, Sr., 1764 Hamline
<br />Avenue be appainted to �he Htunan Ri.ghts Coa�trii.ssic� for a ternn e,�xpiri
<br />ing March 31, 19810 laall Ca11, Ayes: Franke, Anc�exson, C�rley,
<br />Kehr, and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />Kehr Moved that Harold Haugen }�e appointed to the Plann; nq ���ssion.
<br />1�btio� clied for laGlt of a second.
<br />Anderson Nbv�d that Don Za1k be appoznted to the Pl�nn;nq Co[�mission.
<br />Nbtiarc� died for lac]c of a second.
<br />K,�hr m�v�d that David Nelson be appointed, to the Planning Co�mussiono
<br />Nbtion died for lack of a set.�do
<br />7:30 P.M.
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