<br />Andersaai r'bv�d, C�trZey Secanded, that Judy Dressler, 398 Oekcrest
<br />Avenue be appoint.ed to the Planning Cc¢�m.issian �or a term expiring
<br />March 31, 1982. �lI Ca13., Ayes: �`rarike, Andersca�, C�rleyo Kehr,
<br />and Denqs. Nays: Nor�.
<br />FTl �a,rley Moved, Kehr Secanded, that John FowZer's request for minor
<br />variance t,o side yard setback at 1170 S�mmer Street be approved.
<br />Rr�ll Call, Ayes: Franke, Andersari, Curley, Kehr, and D�n�,
<br />Nays: None.
<br />E�2 Kehr Mov+ed, Franke Seeonded, to invite the affect�ed r�sidents t� a
<br />meeting an March 27 where the preliminary plan of the Minnesota
<br />Departrr�ent of Transportatiarz for upgrading Rice Street will be con-
<br />sid�xed. Roll Call, Ayes: Franke, Anderson, C�rley, Kehr, and
<br />Detms. Nays: None.
<br />Fr3 Anderson Nbved., Franke Seccmded, to authorize the Mayor and Manager
<br />t.o sign an earryest money oontsact wit�i Frieda Schultz ta ac�qusre a
<br />s�orm s�wer easement fo�° $400 identified as F�sement #5, 57�76-8.
<br />RoZl Cal2, Ayes: Franke, Anc�erson, Curley, Kehr, and Dem�s.
<br />Nays: None.
<br />E-4 Curley Moved, Franke Seconded, to invite the residents abutting
<br />Western Av�nue frctn Coimty Road B-2 to C�nty Road C t�o a meeting
<br />� March 20, 1978, where the upgrading of the roadway wi�.l be
<br />ecazsi�red. Roll Call, Ayes : Franke, Andersari, Curley, K�hr,
<br />and �ms. Nays: No�e.
<br />� Kehr Nbved, Franke Secar�d, t�a invite the affected residents and
<br />adjaoent praperty own�rs to a meeting on March 2�, 1978, where the
<br />iir�rovement of traffic condi.ti.Qns at Faix�vi.�w Av�xiue and Tr�uik Hic�
<br />way 3C Frc�tage Roa,d area wiZl be cansidered. �11 Ca.11, Ayes:
<br />FYanke, Anders�, C�rley, K�ehr, and Demos. Nays: Nauze.
<br />E-5 �anke Nk�ved, Anderson Seco�ded, to award the 1978 cliseased tr?P
<br />removal contracts to Kezmit's Tree Serviee for public trees and
<br />sttunps and to St. Paul Tree Ca�tsactors for privat,e txees and
<br />sttamps. Roll Call, Ayes: Franke, Anderso¢l, Ci�rley, Kehr, and
<br />D�mos. Nays: None.
<br />E`� Anderson Nbv�d, Curley Seco�d.ed, that Resolution No. 6620 accept�ng
<br />two State offers of grant� for bzkeway facilitiPS on Co�ty R�. C
<br />and agreeing t,o the funding and use requir�men�-s of the State be
<br />adopted. Roll Call, Ayes : Franke, Anders�, Gi�rley, Kehr, and
<br />Desr��s. Nays: None.
<br />E�8 C�i�'leY Moved, Andersc� Seeonded, that Sam Cave's x9equest for apprwal.
<br />of IIzvironxuen�.a1 Assessm�xit Worksheet be caaitinued t,o '�he Council
<br />meeting of March 27, 1978. Ro11 Ca11, Ayes: Franke, Anderson,
<br />Curley, Kehr, and D��. Nays: None.
<br />E-9 G�arZey Nbved, And�rsoa� Seconded, that Augustine C�cia`s request
<br />FOR DIVISIGN O�' LC7!' AT 2998 Troseth Roa�3 be referred to the Planning
<br />C�issiari. Rflll Call, Ayes: Franke, Anderson, C�arley, Kehr, and
<br />Demas. Nays: None.
<br />r i • �•
<br />R�CE S�EET
<br />C{71VTRAC�!'
<br />WFSTEFtN
<br />TR�'FIC
<br />TREE �7AL
<br />1�OLUT�ON
<br />6620
<br />SAM CAVE
<br />PT�l�iTNG
<br />C�RN.iSSICJN
<br />�'�FR�iPrS
<br />