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EX'�RACT OF MINiIT�S dF ME�TIN'G 0�' THE CaUNCIL <br />�F ROSEVILLE, MINNESO�A - HELD <br />�k �Ir 3c 9c �c � �'c �e �de <br />Pursuant to due cal}. and noti.ce �hereof, a regular of <br />the City Council o� the City of Roseville, Mi.nnesota, was duly called actd <br />held at the City Ha11. ia said city on Monday, <br />The following members wre�re present: <br />and rhe �ollowing were absent: <br />Member inCroduced the fol�owing Resolution and moved <br />its adoptian: <br />RESOLUTION N0. <br />WHEREAS the Cammissioner of the Depar�men� of Transporta�ion has <br />prepared prelimi.nary plans for the i.mprovement of a part of Trunk Highway <br />Number 125 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 49 within the cargorate 3.i�uits <br />of the City oi Roseville, from �he Demont Avenue to North Corp �,imi�s; and <br />WHEREAS said pxeli.minary plans are an file in the Office of the <br />Departmant oY TransportaC.ion, 5aint Pau1, Minnesota, being marked, �.abe�ed, <br />and identified as Layout Noe 3.A S.k'. 6214-42 {49=J.26) from Demont Avenue <br />to I-694 and; <br />WHEREAS of said preliaii.nary plans as sa marked, labeled, <br />and iden�ifi.ed are a�so on fi.le in the Office of the City Clerk; and <br />WHER�AS the �erm "sai.d pre�iminary plan.s" as hereina£ter used in <br />�he body of thi.s resolution shall be deemed and intenaed �a a�ean; refer �o, <br />and to incorporate the prelia�inary pJ.ans as in the foxegoi�g recitals <br />parC.icularl.y identi_fied and descr3.bed; <br />NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLV�A that said preli.mznary plans for the <br />impzovement o� Trunk Highway' Number 126 renumbered Trunk Highway Ne�mber 49 <br />within tlze limits of the CS.�y of Roseville be and hereby are approvedo <br />The motiozt �or the adoption of the fvregoing �esolution was d�ly <br />seconded by Cauncil. mem6er and upon a vote being taken �he <br />fallowing voted in favor thereo�: <br />and the follo:aing voted agaitist the same; <br />WHER�UPON, the said resolution was declared duly passed and adaptec3. <br />� <br />