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r <br />MEETING 4_�0-78 <br />R�c�u�sT FoR couNC�� ��°r�o� °AT�� <br />"NQA SECTION: ORiGINATING DEP7_/DiV.: DEPT. iiEAD APPROVAL. <br />t <br />Hearings � ,�J <br />ITEM NO.: ITEM DESCRIPTION�S��� ���ra�lOri x.�uPS� �Ox S�ECId�. LLS� MGR. R VI£WED/RECQMP�A�NDS: <br />$ 1 permit and division of lot at 1921 STH 36 <br />� <br />'�he plarming Cca�tmission at its April 5, meeting unanimously recon�mended <br />approval of Rosewood Corporation`s reques� for special use permit azad <br />divisi.on of lot at 1921 STH 35 and that Mr. 5imons review the proposed <br />landscaping plan and prepare a report for th� City CaunciJ� revi�r. <br />Attaehed is the P�.anner's report. . <br />Cotmci�. Action Rec�uested: Motion tapproving) {denying} Ros�rood <br />Goxporation's re�uest �ar special use <br />permit and divasion of 1ot at 1921 STH 36. <br />Mr. Simr�ns wi11 be at the meeting and will pr�,sent a vezbal repoxt. <br />�� 1 <br />