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EXTRACF OF h�INUTES OF N�EI'�NG �� THE CITY CQUNCTL <br />OF ROSEVILLE, 1�1TNIVESOTA - HELD <br />� �. � X �r X � � � � � �: � � x � � � �e � � � X � � � <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereaf, a regular <br />meeting of ihe Czty Cotu�.ci7. of th� City of Roseville, N7innesota, <br />was held in said City Hall, 26b0 Civic Center Drive, in said City <br />on the day of 1976, at 7:30 P.M. <br />The fo�lowing rr►embexs were present: <br />and the �o1lti�ring were absent: <br />Member introc�uced the fallowing reso].utian <br />and moved its adaptian: <br />RESOLUTION I�CI. <br />REQUESTING 'I`HE METRC)POL�TAN COUNC�L TO APPLY <br />FQR INN(}VATNE AREA-WIDE REHABILITATION PROGRAM <br />FCiNDS F{)R IMPLII�III�'i`AT�ON WITHIN THE CITY OF <br />ROSEV�LL� <br />V�REAS, the City of Roseville finds �hat rehab�.litation <br />and maintenance o� the existing housing stock is essen�ia�. to the continued <br />vitality and quality af neighborhooc�s; and <br />Wf-IEREAS, the City of Itoseville c�esires to stimulate an.d <br />assist avmers in rehabalitating and ho�asing xn the City through <br />neighborhood improvem�nts, an� by pxoviding fi�mds for rehabilitatian Ioans <br />and gxants, as�d caLm.seling services for owners; and <br />�VI�R�.AS, federal funds under Title I af the �-Iousing and <br />Cczna►►unity Development Act of 7.974 are avaiiable fax such assistance; and <br />WI-IEREAS, �he Minneso�a Housing �inance Agency also has �unds <br />to be used £or rehabi�itat�.an gxants, and will acce�t applications from <br />houszng and redev�lopment authorities c'�siring to adm�ni.ster these fimds; <br />and <br />WI-�RE�S, the Nletropa�itan Council.; which has been auly <br />organized pursua�� to hiinneso�a Statutes 473.Ob Subd. 3 and Minnesota <br />Laws 1975; Chapter 13, Sec�zon 6, Subd. 3; Sectzon 21, Subd. �; and <br />Section 24, and has a1I of �he powers and duties of a housing and redev- <br />elap�rten� authority pursuan� to Laws 1975; C�apter 1�, Ssction 24 �der <br />the provi_sians o� the M�.icipa)� Housing and Redevelopment Act, A�.innesata <br />S�atutes Sec�.ion 462.411 to 462.7I.1, an:d acts am�ndatory thereof, �n�ends <br />to apply for these federal and state rehabilitation pxogram £t��.s. <br />