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-Z- <br />N�W, Tf-iEREFOItE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Ci�y of RQSe�ril�e: <br />1. That the Metropolitan Council is hereby requested <br />to include the City of Ftc�seville in an applzca�ion <br />far grant funds und�er Titie I o� the Housxaxg and <br />Co�mmi�.y Development Act af 1974 and an application <br />£ar State Hame Improvement Grant Progxarr� funds. <br />2. Thai upon approval af such applicat�on, the City and <br />the Aletropolitan Ca�cil after revi.ew of a detaiZed <br />program ou'�line wi7.1 enter into an agreement �or ogerat- <br />ing the pxogxam within the C��.y.. <br />The motian �or the adaption af th� foregoing xesolution was <br />d.uly seconded by Me�nbex and upon a vote be�ng talcen thereon, <br />the fallowing vared in favor thexeof: <br />and the foliowing voted against same: <br />WI�REiTPON, said re5olution was declared duly passed and <br />adopte�. <br />SI'ATE OF MTNNESOTA) <br />) SS <br />CQUN'!'Y OF RAM.SEY ) <br />I, �he timdersigned, �he duly qua�.ified Manager o£ <br />the City o� Roseville, Minnesota, do hexeby certi�y that I have care- <br />fu11y the attached and foregoing e�ctract of �ni.nutes of a regular <br />meeting of the City Covncii of the City of Rosevi�le, Minnesota, held on <br />the day of , 197b, wi�h the original an file in my <br />office, and the same is a fu11, true and cornplete t�az�scxipt therefrom <br />insofcar as the same relates ta a resa�utian rehabi].itation progxam funds <br />for implementatian the City of Roseville. <br />WITNES5 MY HAND as said Manager and tl�e corporate seal o� the <br />City of Roseville, this day of 1976. <br />Jaz►�s F. Andre � <br />City A�anager <br />SFAT, <br />