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_ <br />} AGENbA SECTIJN: <br />i <br />? Reso�.utions � Ordinances <br />� iTEN] :�i(}.: tiF'hA DESCRIP�l�7�1' <br />.� f <br />� " I <br />��.��� � � r�� �.������. r��: � ��� �., � <br />ni��filN:�7"!{tfG OfPT. %[NV.: <br />License <br />Ord.inarice ATnemding the City Code, <br />Sec�ion 129.Q10 (a} <br />DEPT. H�Ap APPr�pVAL. <br />MGR. F?EVIcti11ET]/i-2kCUN�AE?`i?i5: <br />Secti:on 129.010 (a) of the city code defi.nes the terms <br />''massage;' masseurT' and "masse�.se;' by �efexence to the Minnesota <br />Statu�ies, sec�ion 148,33 thxu 148_35. This chapter of the statutes <br />was repea�ed by the legislature and thexe£ore we do not have <br />an adequate definition of those terms in oux current ordin ance. <br />Our axtorneys have drafted and ordinance, using the old <br />detinitions from the xepealed statute and incarporated �hem <br />into the c�efinition sectzon.of oux massage parlor ordinance. <br />Recommended Action; <br />Motion adopting oxdinance amending Chapfier �.29.OZQ {a) <br />o� the City Code of the City of Rosevilie <br />