<br />Regzzlar Meeting of the City CounCil - May 17, 1976.
<br />The City Council met on the above date with the following
<br />members present: Mayor Demos� Co�cilmen Anderson, G�rley,
<br />Grauel and. Hesse
<br />A-1 Grauel Moved, Hess Seconde�., that the mi.nutes of the meeting
<br />of May 10, Z976, be approved.a Roll Call, Ayes: Andexson,
<br />Curley, Grauel, H�ss and Demos. Nays: Nane.
<br />Cu�ley Moved, Grauel Seconded, that the Co�cil join the
<br />Mayor in proclaxming June 14, 1976, as Flag Day. Roll Call,
<br />Ayes: Anderson, L�rley� Grauel, Hess and Demos. I�ays: None.
<br />B-1 Anderson Iuioved, Curley Seconded, that Rrase Marinelli's
<br />rec�uest for final plat "Marinelli Ad.dit�on" at "L940 Old
<br />Highway 8 be approved. Ro11 Call, Ayes: Anderson, Curley,
<br />Grauel, Hess and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />B-2 Anderson Moved, Gurley Seconded, tha� Resolution No. 6372
<br />vacating ra.ght-of-way (T�zrnstone Court) at 445 South Owasso
<br />��tl�vard be aci.opteda RolZ Call, Ayes : Anderson, Curley,
<br />'�; ��_:�1, Hess and Demo�m Nays: None,
<br />Anderson Mav-ed, Curley Seconded, �hat J. M. Duddles�on's
<br />request �or final plat "Duddleston Lakeview" at 445 South
<br />Owasso }3oulevard. be approved. RoII Call, Ayes: Anderson,
<br />Curley, Grauel, Hess and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />B-3 Hess Nl�ved, Grauel Seconded, that the request of Mr. Harry
<br />Niemeyer to wzthdraw his application for vacation of right-
<br />of--way (portion of Albermarle) be approved. R�11 Ca1I, Ayes:
<br />And.erson, Curley, Grauel, Hess and Demos. Nays: None.
<br />B-4 Anderson Moved, Grauel Seconded, that Canad�an Financial
<br />Corporation's request for rezoning £rom B-2 to R-3 at 2800
<br />North Snelling Avenue be approvedo Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson
<br />and Grauelo Nays: Curley, Hess and Demos.
<br />Anderson Moved, Graue�. Seconded, thafi Canadian Financial
<br />Corporation's request for speciaZ use permit and variances
<br />at 2800 North Snelling Avenue be continued to the meeting of
<br />June 14, Z97bo Roll. Call, Ayes: Anderson and Grauelo Nays:
<br />Curley, Hess and Demose
<br />He�s Moved, C�rley Seconded, that Canadian F�.nanciaT Corporation's
<br />request for special use permit and variances at 28Q0 North
<br />Snelling be deniedo Roll Cal]., Ayes: Anderson, CurZey� Grauel,
<br />Hess and Demoso Nays: Noneo
<br />7:30 P.M.
<br />MINUI�S
<br />N0. b372
<br />HARRY
<br />