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-z- <br />B--S Curley A�oved, Demos Seconded, that A11ied Stores and b4. M, ALLIED STORES AND <br />Develo�xnent Corporatzon request for rezoning from B-1 and I�l M. M. DEVELOPMENrf <br />to B-I�B, special use permit, preliminary plat and variance to CORPORA'iION <br />number of parking spaces and sign size at 1750 West Highway 36 <br />be deniede Ro11 Ga11, Ayes: Ayes: Anderson, Curley and Demos. <br />Nays: Grauel and Hesss <br />C-� Grauel Moved, Hess Seconded, that a special Co�cil meeting <br />be establlshed for �he evening of May 27, 1976, at 7:00 P.M, <br />�or the pux°pose of ciiscussing Env�ronmental Assessmeni for PIK <br />Terminal property; and �hat a work session be establ.ishea <br />inunediately following the special meeting for the purpose af <br />cont�nuin.g the discussion of �he capxtal improvement program and <br />revenue sharingo RoZ1 Ca11, Ayes: Anderson, Curley, Grauel, <br />Hess and Demos. Nays: Nonee <br />SPECIAL Nl�T'ING <br />D-1 Curley Moved, Ander�son Seconded, that the f:otmcil public hearxng 1�1AILAND AND <br />on P�1a.xland and Johnson's request for special use permi.t and var- JOHIVSON <br />ian�es at 1045 Larpenteur Avenue be established for J�e I4, 1976. <br />RoII Ca11, Ayes: Anderson, Curley, Grauel, Hess and Demos. <br />Nays: Noneo <br />E-1 Hess Moved, Grauel. Seconc�ed, tha� Resolution No. 6373 auihorizing RESOLUI'ION <br />and directing the City Attox�ney to enter into a stipulation with N0, b373 <br />Prin�e of Peace Lu�heran Church to amend the petition now found in <br />Ramsey Coi.mty Cou�t Fi1e #41007Q be adopted. Roll Ca1T, Ayes: <br />Andex°son, Curley, Grauel, Hess and Demos. Nays: None. <br />E-2 Curley A4oved, Andexson Seconded, that Resalution No. 6374 desi�- R�SOLUTION <br />ing the City Manager or his agent as the C�ty's representa�ive for N�. 6�74 <br />197b i,abor NegafiiatiQns be adopted. Roll Ca11, Ayes: Anderson, <br />Gurley, Gx�auel, Hess and Demose Nays: None. <br />E-3 G�.irley Maved, Hess Seconded, that the concept of Ramsey Counfiy <br />Regzanal Bikeway Sy�stem prepared by Ramsey County be approved <br />with the �ondition that it is tuZClex°stoad that there is sufficient <br />flexibility xn the p1an and goals to pex�t changes in rou�e de- <br />s�gnation �nd funding; and further that the City Ma.nager is <br />authorized to negot�ate Ramsey County x°egarding future changes <br />in the bikeway systemo Rr�l1 Ca11, Ayes; Anderson, Curley, Grauel, <br />Hess ar�d Demose Nays: Naneo <br />E-4 Grauel Nioved, Ande�son Seconded, that Improvement W-76-10, Rice <br />Street Wa�ermain, be abandonedo Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, <br />Curley, Grauel, Hess and Demoso Nays: None. <br />RAN�S�Y C�OiJNTY <br />BIKEWAY SYSTEM <br />IA9PROVEP�NT <br />w ��-la <br />Grauel Moved, Anderson Seconded, that the Public Works Director WATERMAIN <br />zs authorizecl to cantrac� for the construction of an 8 inch watex°- <br />main on Rice Street from Woadbridge Avenue to approxunately 280' <br />norfih, �Co be financed fxom the Construction F�d. Roll CaII, Ayes : <br />Anderson, G��°ley, Grauel, Hess and Demc�sa Nays: None, <br />E-S And.erson Moved, Curl.ey Seconded, that the Alayor and C�ty Manager AGREIIvIENT <br />be authorized to si� Ag-�°eement with Ramsey Col.mty whereby the <br />City would provide design and. engineering services to the County <br />�or the widening of Cleveland Avenue from S00 feet north of <br />Coun�y Road G to Caunty Road D with the County rezmbursing the <br />Czty for its ac�ivitieso Rpll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Curlsy, <br />Grattel, Hess and Demose Nays: Nane, <br />