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AGENDA SEC7iON: <br />M��ranic 6_24--76 <br />9''S�C���+7� rV1"[ ����4i� ������ DA7E: <br />ORIGINAiING OEPT./aIV.: <br />Reports F� Recomrnendations Adm <br />�T�M fVO.: fTEM DESCRIPTION� CapztaJ. Improvement Prod am - <br />�� � �� Stxeets and. Starm Sewers <br />DEP7. HEAD APPRpVAL. <br />MGR, _gE}VIFWED/ F2ECOMMENDS : <br />`_.-•� ��'�—`_ <br />---�'. __--_.- �- - <br />The Roseville City CaLmcil has conducted three meetings i.n reviewing the capital <br />zmprovement needs af the City. These special mee-�ings or work sessions were <br />established a� regular Cotu�.ci1 meetings, publicized in the ne��rspap�rs and notices <br />pasted. These meetings were held. on March 24, A�ay 12 and I��ay 27, 197b. <br />Capital improvements to streets arxd starm setiJers were dis�ussed in great <br />detail an.d many a1-�ernatives were reviewed in relation ta financing and -time schedules <br />far irnplementing such a program. <br />The need fnr street improvement pragram �s based. on the fact tha.t �he City has <br />approxima�ezy 80 m�1es of so ca.I].ed "tempo�axy" streets and that these sfree�s are <br />rapzdly deteriora�zng because o� poor base conditions, inadequate crflwns and slo�pes, <br />pocketing wa�er and the instability af the materials used on these streets. Nk�st of <br />�iese temporar� stxeets have been redone t�,v� or. three over the last �.0 to �5 <br />years as the sani�ary sewers, wa�eYmains and storm sewers were cons�ructed. With the <br />exception o� stonn sewers all undergrot�d City utilities are installed ihroughout the <br />City. Si.nce storm draznage is a vita� £actor in xaadway design and maintenance, the <br />remainin.g areas not served by storm sewers were cansidered in review of the stree� <br />n.eeds . <br />The matter of special assessments was also discussed and it was cancluded that the <br />pxagram was financiall.y fea.sible wzth the lowest possible assessments. <br />In order to ini.tiate a process of more detaiTed study and to facilitate a schedule <br />of pub�.ic discussian, the Council alsa considerecl the desirabili�y o£ setting forth <br />a policy statem�nt w�ich expressed the policy priority rankin.g of these improvemen-� <br />P��'�- <br />Attached is a reso�ution setting farth a statement for � capital improvement <br />progxam an stree�s and stornt sewers. <br />�lction Req�stea: Motion adaptzng a resolution establishing the Cagital <br />improvement program fvr streets and starm sewers as a high <br />pa�.icy priarity. <br />