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EXTRAC`I' OF A1I��I�J'1'ES OF M.EETIN� 0� TH� CITY CQUNCIL <br />OF ROSEVI�.I,E, PJIIT�IN�SOTA - HELD <br />� � � � �r � * � � �t � � �: a� � � � <br />Pursuan� �o due ca11 and notice thereof, a regular <br />meetzng of the City Council of the City of Roseville, Mi.nnesota, <br />was held in sazd City Ha11, 266Q Civic Center Drive, in said <br />c�ty on the day of 1976, <br />The followi.r�g members tivere present: <br />and the following were absent: <br />Member int�oduced the following resolut�on <br />an.d �aoved its aaap'tion: <br />RFSOLt]TION N0. <br />WHEREAS, the City CoLmcil has studied sta�f repo rts <br />concerning the capital impxoverr�ent n�eds of the City, and <br />Wf�II'.EAS, the Ci�y Co�mcil conducted meetings at three <br />d��ferent times a£ter due ana prope� notice af such meefiings, <br />and deliberated extensively an the several aiternat�ves for <br />i.mpxoving the City's streets and stoxm dxainage areas, and <br />I�,�-IERCAS, approximat�].y 80 miles of streets are of a <br />temporaxy xoadma.�c design and many of these streets have been re-- <br />done tti,�o or three �imes tQ acco�nada�e sanitary sei�rex, watermain <br />and storm sewer constxuction, and <br />lh'HEREAS, �he roadway system is rapid�y deteriora�ing <br />anc�. expensa.v� to maintain because of poor base con.ditions, inadequate <br />grades and slopes, surface depressions, and the instability of the <br />matexials used on.these streets, and <br />i��RE.�1S, stnx�n drai.n.age is a vi�a1 fac�or in roac�vay design <br />and ma�.ntenance, and tiahich appxoximately 30°'a b� �lE area of the City <br />is not served by such drainage facilities, and <br />WHERFaAS, sLrch iirtprovernents couZd be carried out ��rith the <br />l.owest passihle assessments to residents a� the City, and <br />