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AGEN�I', SEGTiON: <br />:;- ;., �; •,� .,-� •,:_ <br />. �i`.,.;i _ , �� .._.....:� i�:,�„ 1 ),�..� <br />��������� ��� ��������� �'� � ���� �A,t: �, �4„0 <br />ORiGINATiiVG �EPT./�1V.: <br />P' <br />??;;L � ., f��;? ,J <br />�rt:�n �,o.: i�E;�, o�sc�ti�riorv' CTTY ASSESSt�1E�dTS POLICY <br />E- C� <br />c <br />DEPT. H=AD APPftOV�1L. <br />� �� � <br />T.'�Gr`�. RcVIEt`IED/R�COMiN�NQS: <br />�� <br />`�F�e city's special assessn�?nt policies prace�ure has evolved over several years for <br />various types of pavements, storr►� serrers, sanitary sev�lers and watermains. In 1969, <br />tne latest stree� assessment po7icy was adapted an� in 1970, t�e current siorm sew�r <br />assessrie�t policy vras passed. These policies dealt with the problem on the assu�p- <br />i�on tha� eac� improvem�nt would b� done in a random, unschedu3ed manner, rather <br />t�ran as part of an overall program c�f �mprovemer�ts. With the adoption af the con- <br />struction of a permanent street system as a i�igh pol�icy priority item, and the com- <br />pietian of a storm sewer system bei ng very in�portant to th� ci ty, i t i s no�r time7y to <br />review the existing spec�al assessm�nt procedures and brir�g them up ta date. <br />Past procedures for stre�t assessments w�re that they were onl.y undertaken v�hen store� <br />setivers existed and to assess lOt�� of th� cost for all nz4v dev�lopm�nLs and on all <br />properties wi th other than R-1 and R-2 ifllil i1�5. TE�e R--1 and R-2 zones Vrere praposed <br />to be assessed at 75q af the actual cos� of a iyp�cal residentia] typ� roadway. t�I.S.A. <br />stree��s �vere a7so assessed in a simi7ar mann�r and county road ir�provements w�re <br />assessed up'to �he limits of tf�e city's expenses. Any necessary right of vray or ease- <br />men�s were added-ta th� project cost and also assessed. <br />Corner 7o�s ►vere assessed at a 20% level far the first 75Q feet and a� full cost on <br />a� 1 frontage over 15Q feet. Odd or i rre�ul ar iots were adm ni strati veiy de�ermi neet i n <br />r�gard to assessable frontage k�y considering them as rectangu�ar 7ots. <br />Starm s�Vaers w�re assessed at $250 per typical residen�ia7 ]ot or ��3�0 per acre, assumin� <br />the 7ots iver� bui 1 dable, G�hi le non R--1 or R-2 parcel s a�ere assessed twi ce ti�is t^ate. <br />These ra�es are no 7 onc��r possi bl e t�ecause i nf1 ati Qn has dri ven up the constructior� � <br />cos t io tn� poi nt vah�re ti�e ci ty vtoul d not [�e recei vi ng the mi ni mum amounts necessary. <br />Sanitary s�wer and-vraierrr�ains �rere assessed on a front-foo� basis and at an �stabl�shed <br />�ri ce of �7.Q.��J a��d �8. 5J rzspecti vely :•;i t�f cor.ner Iat. oi�,iers bQ� �g assesse� for 25 <br />ic2t Gn �Fi� Sid�. <br />:!i �i� �t�e possi bi 1 i ty of an on--gai ng prograr�, th� establ i shrent of a speci al assessm�nt <br />po��cy specifically designed and adaptec� to be vrorkable under suc� a.prograri, becom�s <br />very des i rabl e, Th� ne4v pol i cy vrouI d er�a�i� ci ti zens to knoar i n aclvance ti•rha� thei r <br />assessments IYQU�iCi bc� and vlculci estabi�sh an equi-6abie situati4n tiv�;ereb�� s�ngi� -�ami�y <br />r�si denti �1 property o►nrners :�roul d pay t`rre sa�e assessments re�ardless o-E ���hi ch year <br />t�e i�rnr►; was dane. � hi s waul d avai d ti�e prob] em of ti�1ni c1� street snoul d be �one f� r�t. <br />It aiso esi:abiishes a more equitable method o'F treating tne corner iot o+�ar�ers inasmuch <br />as they t,rould not be assess�d = far the side lot portion on a typical res7dential parce3_ <br />��cor��:��;JDED ACiIOiJ: Adopti on af a resai ut� on revisi n� the street and sfiarr� se��aer <br />polic�es originally adopted in 1969 an�l 197Q and �s��blish�ng <br />a neyv ci ty-�r� de ass2ssment pol i cy �For street pavi r�g, storrr <br />sev�ers, sanitary seav�rs and waterrr:ains, u�rl�icl� is carripat9nle <br />w� ti� a�u� ti -year program o� constructi o�� . <br />