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EX7RACT OF NiIT�UT�S OF P9�ETI�EG OF THE CITY COIiF�CIL <br />OF TH� CITY OF ROSEVILLE, MItd���SOYA, fI�LD O,d <br />JUf•!E , 197b <br />Pursuant to due ca71 and notice thereof, a regular meeting <br />of th� City Council of the City of Rosevilie, P�linnesota, was duZy ca7Ted <br />and held a� the City Nall in said City on the day of <br />7976, 7:30 o'c�ock p.m. <br />The fo3lowing mer�bers were present: <br />and ��e fol7owing rnembers were absent: <br />Fqember introduced the fol?owing Resolution and moved <br />its adop�ion: <br />RE501.U�IOCJ fJO. <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COlEf1CIL OF THE CITY flF ROSEVIL[,E, <br />MIi�Jt�CSOTA, AS FOLLOWS: <br />idl�ER�AS, the City Council has determiRed that the consiruc�ion of <br />a permaner�t street system is very inportani and a high priority Ttem, and <br />WE�EREAS, �he corr�pletion of tMe s�orm sewer system is imperative <br />to �he construction of said permar�ent street program, and <br />WH�REAS, the revision of the street and starm sewer assessment <br />policies adopted August 25, ]969 and P9arch 9, i970, respectiue�y is desirable <br />to establish a ci�ar and consistent rate system ta be compatib7e v�rith a multi- <br />year program of construction. <br />°� hOl�l, THEREFORE, �3E IT RESOLVEU by th� Ci ty Counci 1 of the Ci ty of <br />Rvseville, Ntinnesota, as fol3ows: <br />1. A11 exisfiing usab7e t�mporary (not meeting startdards s�t farth <br />in City Code) public roadways under the city's j urisdiction, <br />to be upgraded ta permanent asphaitic concrete pavement with <br />concrete cur�� and gutters. <br />(a) R-I and R-2 property to be assessed �7.77 per <br />assessable footage. <br />(b} All tax ex�mpt property regarctless of zoning c�assi- <br />ficatian, such as, but not necessarily limi�ed to <br />sci�ools, ci�urches, parks and gov�rnmentai land, io <br />be assessed on an asse�sable footaye basis at lOQ% <br />of the cost of a 7-ton roadway {even when neav�er <br />raadways are constructed} based upon �he cos�s fqr <br />that segc�ent af �he enti re program i r�cl udi ng th� <br />raad��ay abutting ii�e non--�axable property. <br />