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4. Citizen requests for roadway improvements �nderiaken in advance <br />af t�e program sequence �vi71 oniy be considere� under unusual <br />circumstances or when a petition 3s received concerning a por- <br />tio� of the ov�ra�l program that can be undertaken independenti� <br />o� other projects that w711 be done in the future. Such peti- <br />tions shall hav� the signat�res of 50� or more qf the pro�erty <br />awners of the assessabl� frontage for tf�e praposed portion of <br />tne project. Assessments for such improvements may be higher <br />than establ�shed in Paragraphs 1., 2, and 3. because o� fiscal <br />or other considerations required by virtue af taking the seg�ent <br />out of seque�ce. <br />5. <br />+ <br />The assessment rates for storm sawer improve�nent5 shali be as <br />follows: <br />PJon. tax exempt <br />A) R-1, R-2 parcels <br />Builda6le iot <br />Unbuiidabie lot <br />Acr�age--bu�ldable <br />Acreage--unbui 3 dabi e <br />$ 295.0�1 <br />590.0� <br />�95.00/acre <br />1990.00/acre <br />Parceis far all tax exempt and other zonings_ <br />Bu�ldable lot <br />�lnbui ldable ]ot <br />Acreage-buildable <br />Acreag�-unbuildable <br />� 590.00 <br />zz$o.00 <br />1990.00/acre <br />3930.00/acre <br />Sanitary sewers sha�l b� assessed on a froni foatage basis with <br />all iypes of 7and use and zoning being id�ntically asse55e�. <br />A) Present3y utilized prop�r�ty sha17 be assess�d at �10,aa <br />p2r front foot. <br />S} �y�� d��elqpmer�t property or property wi�ich has ait�red its <br />1 and use w� thi n th� past 3 years r�ay be assessed at 1fl0°6 <br />of the city's ex�ense for the improveroent. <br />C) A11 side Zot and doub1e frontage parc�ls shal� b� deter- <br />mined to have 25 accessable fe�t for the first ].50 feet of <br />the parce] and shall conform to Paragraphs A} and B) abov�. <br />D) Sewer services shall be assessed on a per service basis at <br />100% of the ci ty's expense �or such S@Y'Vi C£5. <br />E) For odd or i rregul ar 7 ats whi ch have rear wi dths that vary <br />by more than 25% in comparisort with the front width, the <br />7at will be assumed �o hav� a depth equal to. one-t�alf the <br />sum of the twa sides and said depth will be divided int�. <br />the area of the lot to determ3n� the assessabie frontage. <br />Where this is not practical, the assessa6l� frontag� will <br />be deter�in�d by assuming the typical r�ctangular lots near�� <br />it which are comparable in overall area and nature. <br />�� <br />