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(c) Ail other property not covered in (a) or (b) above, <br />to be assessed on an assessable foatage basis at 1D0% <br />of the cos� for the 5peci�ic type of roadway on which <br />they abut, based on the cosis for that segment o� �h� <br />entire pragram including the raad�ray abutting the <br />p�operty. <br />(�) In addition to the costs set forth in (a) througfi �c} <br />above, a71 �roperty may �e assessed a prflportionate <br />�hare on a footage basis for expenses encauntered for <br />right of way and easement acquisition necessary for <br />that segment of the eniire program incl�ding the <br />roadway abutting the proper�y. <br />(e) Ail corner and mu7tiple frontag� parcels in non-tax <br />exempt R�1 an� R-2 ciass7fications to be cansidered <br />to have no asses5able footage vn the side or secaRd <br />frontage unless such parceis cou1d be spiit or sub- <br />divided. For all other carner and multiple f�ontage <br />parcels the side or second frantage assessme�t s�ali <br />not exceed 1�0 teet. <br />(f) Properties abu�ting Min�esota State Aid city rQadways <br />sha]1 be assessed pursuant to this paragraph. <br />(g) A1] odd and irregularly shaped 2ots, �ihich have rear <br />wi dths that vary by �are than 25% i n COtil�di"1 SflCI wi th <br />the front v1i dth , the 1 ot wi � 1 be assumed to F�ave a <br />depth equal to one-half the sum of the two sides and <br />said depth wi11 be divided into the area of the lot <br />to deiermine tf�e assessa6le frantage. �lh�re thYS is <br />not practical, the assessable frontage will be deter- <br />m�nnd by assuming the iot tc have an ass�ssable <br />frontage equal to those of the typical rectangular <br />iots near it whicn are comparable in overal7 area and <br />nature. <br />2. For prop�r�ies abutting existing usable, temparary roadways <br />under ihe county's jurisdiction to 6e upgraded ta permanent <br />roadways wi�h curb and gutter, a17 provisions of 5ections 1. <br />shali apQ]y. In the �vent the special assessmeni proc�dure <br />shoul d res u1 t�i m m�re funds bei ng due ti�e ci ty from speci a�2 <br />d55@SSfi7�T1�5 than the �ata� cost �o the city of tf3e impr�ve- <br />m�nt of tha� county roadway, assessments for such �roperties <br />shal7 be reciuced proportionately until ttle total ass�ssmen�s <br />equal the total city cnsts of the impravement to that county <br />roadti�ray . <br />3. On a71 nevr �ubl-ic r-�adways constructed pursuant ta ti�is pr�o- <br />gram wnere no usable temporary road��ay existed, the special <br />assessment pracedure af Paragr-aphs 1, and 2. need nat he <br />utilized. Suc}� praperties wouid nor�aliy be ass�ssed a� <br />1Q0 % of �he cast. <br />_z_ <br />