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� <br />The mation for the adopt�an of ihe foregoing resolutfon <br />was duly seconded by Member , and upon a vate bezng <br />taken therean, the foliowing voted in �avor thereof: <br />and the foilow�ng voted against the same: <br />41EEEREIlPO���, sai d Resoi uti on was declared duly passed and <br />adopted. <br />S�'ATE �� MIf�VES4TA) <br />) <br />} SS <br />COUtJ�Y OF RA��SEY } <br />I, the �nd�rszgned, being the duly quaiified and ac�ing Flanager <br />of the City of Roseviile, of Ramsey County, Minneso�a, do F�ereby eertlfy <br />that i have carefully compared the attached and �or�going extract of <br />minutes of a regular meeting of said City Council held on the day of <br />, 1976, with�th� origina7 ther�af on fi7e in my office <br />and the same is a full, true artd compl��e transcript therefrom insofar as <br />the same re]ates ta special .assessment polfcies. <br />�diTfJESS i'9Y HAPlD offi ci al ly as s uch Manager thi s day of <br />1976. <br />-5- <br />C-i t,� t�tanag�r <br />