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The motion for the adoptian af the foregoi�g resolu�ion <br />was du�y seconded by Member , and upo� a vote being <br />taken thereon, tha failowing vot�d in favor thereof: <br />and �he fallowing voted against the same: <br />�!FlEREUPO«, said Resolutian w�as declared duiy passed and <br />adopted. <br />STATE 0� P9I�,^JESOTA) <br />� 55 <br />COUPdTY OF RAP95EY � <br />I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Nlanager <br />of ti�e City of Rosevi3le, of Ramsey County, Minnesata, do hereby certify <br />that I�ave car�fuiiy com�ared the attached and foregoing ex�ract of <br />m�nutes o� a regula� meeting of said City Cauncil held on t�e day of <br />, 397fi, wi�h'ihe ariginal ihereof on fiie in my office <br />and the same is a fuil, true and comple�� transcrip� therefrnm insofar as <br />�he same relat�s tQ spec�al assessment poTicies. <br />l�1ITf��SS i�lY I�iAF1D offi ci a71y as such Manager ihi s day o€ <br />, 7975. <br />-5- <br />C� �y �3anager <br />