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, <br />cori�R�cr <br />This is a Contract betv�reen the City of Roseville, hereinafier <br />referred to as tlie "City", and Leo Ric�:ertson d/b/a Creative Images, <br />hereir��fter referred to as "C.I.". <br />1. Th� City hereby retains C.I. to prepar� an aud�o-visual <br />presentation describing iiaseville's permanent street improvemer�t prograr� <br />�vhlch shall b� shown at certain publ�c hearings. <br />2. The audio-visual presentation shall �onsist of a fi�'te�n <br />minute to tvrenty r�inute screen sZide presen�a�ion with an accompanying <br />soundtrack. The presentat�an shall expla3n Ros�ville's perman�nt street <br />ir�proven�en� program and pertir�ent matters related thereto. <br />3. C.I. tiviii furnish all equipment and the n�cessary labor. <br />The Cit; ti�i71 furn�sh C.I. all n�c�ssary informa�ion necessary for th� <br />preparation of said presentatioi�, <br />4. C. I. servi ces a•ri 1I have tiiree phases : <br />a) C.I. wilT supply an ini�ial script and concept �For <br />the pres�nta�ion. This is _ta b� completed apprax�- <br />mately three weeEcs a-Fter this Contract is signed. <br />7i�i s prel i mi nary or i ni ti al scri pt and concept shal l <br />be subject to tne approval of the City and the City <br />wi 11 act through i ts Ci ty hlanager. <br />t�) Foliawing the City's approval of the initial script <br />and cance�t C.I: will complete the photograpt�y, art <br />....�.�.li �.�..J .-�.....rl-F,..-.i-L -�r�ii r-�iL.mif t�n c-�mr� +� i�i+i. i'i�-�i <br />