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... :,..... .... . <br />4� � . <br />" ' . �.f3 . ' . . ... . ..... <br />by C.i., the City may discharge C.i. and �rill pay C.I. for <br />their time incurred to date. The City ��lanager is hereby. <br />given the authority and pawer to exercise any of ihe City`s <br />rzghts under this Contract. <br />7. Withzn three weeks after �xecution of this agreement, C.�. <br />sha�l.�upp�y the Ci�y w�th the initial script and concept far <br />the 5CY'���1 presenta�#on. This script shall be based upon <br />infarmation provided by �he City. Three weelcs thereafter, <br />C.I. sha11 compl�ete photography, art work and saund �raek and <br />submit the same to the City for f�nal approval. <br />8. C.I. sha�l provide the City with a duplicate sl�de and tape <br />set for no more than �3�0.00 within two weeks of th� final <br />co�pletion of the projec�, if the City so ctesires. <br />Dated this day vf , ��7�. <br />CiTY OF R�SEVII.LE <br />