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�ase lv��aer: �y4-1b� <br />3u1y 7 , 1976 ' <br />� Page T�,ta <br />and a swimrriing pc�al. 7h� build3ng is part�ally s�bmerged in <br />the ground to r�duce its exteriar height. 7h� exterior <br />materials are bricEc, stucco, and an insultated sandwicR panel <br />io 6e d�scri bed i n gr�at�r cj� �? i 1 a � �.�e 'r,eari n g. The Racc���� � <br />C�ub use of par�ions of the site is cont�guous ta the residen�ial <br />on the north and �he east side of the bu3lding. No parlcing <br />is iocated between the club structure ancE resid�r�tial areas <br />�o the 3�ori�t or the east. <br />�O�LL�,�� 5�1t�°� _ Co;i ;� gLOUs ��! �.�:�� :: fki r,a en �ni s �Sr�? � �nd soc: �`n <br />s�de of the "L"-shaped 'nuilding, fi�ere v�ill h� 21,1°S square �ee� <br />�� gross ieasable �r2a for sr:�ll s�ucialzy sraps. Por�cio�s of <br />the bui7ding have a s7oped sf�ingie roof �orming a canopy over the <br />shap trontag�. An inierior mall connects all the shaps and are <br />accessible fram �he cl�b building as tiv�ll. The elevations af th2 <br />structure appear very attractive. None o-F the shop space or <br />fran�age can be seen directly �rom i�e north ar east side of <br />the 6ui3ding. - <br />RESTAEJRAEVT_ �n the westeriy sid� of the si�e, the appiican�i � <br />q propase� to COl'15ti"UCt a restauran� of ap�roximately 14,000 gross <br />square feet. Thi.s restaurant is propo5ed �a be a"full service" <br />fac`�17ty with 360 s.eats. 7h� Lincoln Dei 3s being pursued for <br />this location, though no sp2ci�ic committmen� has be�r� f�nali�ed <br />to thi s poi nt. 7hat s-tructure i� 1 ocated ].23 fee� sota �.h o-F tne <br />north line o� the property.. <br />5. The racquet and s�rrim club -is a special usa in ihe R-]. District �vith th� <br />provision that it must be at �east 50 -Fee� from the properLy 7in�, 7he <br />applican� is applying �For such a spec�al use pe�mit on the cond�-��c�� <br />that i t be set back 100 -feet from fie t���st�rly prop�rty 1 i ne (ti•lest si de <br />of Fry Streei}. The City cauld as� for the dedica�io� of 30 ��et o�F <br />rig�t--af-way to �ncrease the width af Fry Street. �Je understand that <br />that ne� ghbors are nat i nteres�ed i n ti•ri den i ng Fry Stree't due ta i ts very <br />7 i mi ted traffi c vol ume to dat�. The app3 i cant i s��ri 1 l i ng , hor�evar, to <br />d�dicate (or provide public easement) ta t�ro t�nnis cour�s which he 4vould <br />construct on th�s side of the builciing for the use af the neighbors or <br />the City. ihe remainder of th�is l�nd on the east szd� a� th� building <br />would be utilized for �nterim panding purposes as part of ihe Wa�ers�ed <br />District'S 100 year fload control plan. A71 the iand excep� the t�nn�s <br />co�rts, hativever, wauld of course �� grassed and 1andsca�ed in accorc#ance <br />tiv�ith their praposed plan. <br />6. �'hough som� o#' the neianbors -fear ti�z inf�ux nf peoale and cars if <br />tennis cour�s are built in this area, V1e have sugges�ed to �fl°in tha� <br />tenni s court -Faci 1 i ti es cor�trol3 e� by -��re nei ghoorhor�d assaci atio►� <br />could be a very attractive �eature to homeo:�rnership in tha4 area. Gurrerlt <br />i nterest and demand for tenn-i s caur�s , t•�o!.i1 d suggest that ti�e Ci �y and/ <br />ar th� neighborhaod ser�ious�y consider t�e merits of this con�ribution <br />on the part of the applicant. <br />