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�.a�� �vw�wci . yy'-�-lt�� <br />Ju�y 7, 1976 � Page Three <br />7, ihe Shopping Center Di,strict requires 100 -Fee� af setback far the <br />buildings fram the prnperty line. 7he applicant in ihis case is <br />apply�ng �or a var7arrce to that 100 s�tback requiremerit to 52 feet <br />an the soutM si de (:�rni ch 1 i n?s u� ���? th thp F� rst Fe��;^a1 5avi n�s <br />and Loan build�ng a7ong County Raad S-2) and a 50 foo� setback on <br />the norih si de. In as much as tt�er� Vri i i be no parEti ng or use Qf <br />these areas of land, we suggest tha� these se�backs are r�as�nable_ <br />It is in fac� the required setback far a tennis club in the R-1 Distric�_ <br />The appl i cant proposes to own the en �i re s i te dlld �}O�}l �t11 ��3 i1�5 . <br />He ;s t?�e;?fer:� z��l��_i�►� -;or a�1�^ne� !�rti� C�°,�loo�"`r� un�!�� t'r;^ <br />Snop�ir�g �.enter �is�rici �or �the �otai iract wiL� �oth s��rtactur�s. <br />DeLa�ile� si�e plans for. �.nn entir� pro��c� h��r� beei� sub�-�iL�ed <br />providing for a well coordinated design in �erms ot eff�cient acce5s, � <br />parking, and deve7opmen� proposals. ��ith respect to par�ing, the <br />p7an provides for 377�spaces_ 8ased on the Ordinar�ce r�quir�men�s <br />of 5.5.parking spaces per 1,000 square feet o� gr�ss leasabl� retaii <br />space, ane parking space fa�- each three seats in tf�e resataurar�i, ar�d <br />assu�ning 5 park-��c� space� for �ach ier�nis or racquet ball cour�, -�f�e <br />parki r�g requi rements waul d equal 362 spac�s . Normal ly the e-�fi ci e�►ci es <br />�hat occur through jo�nt use of parfcing amQng the thre� facilities, ` <br />wo�ld serve to reduce the total parking need. In as much as eac,h of <br />the uses tend to peak at a diffenen� hour, �it would appear that �he <br />parking proposed tivill be �ore than ad�qua�e. <br />_ S. The Shopping Cen�er Distr�ct �nclud2s a requirem2nt �hat na mare ihan <br />25� of the 1anct area be cavered by bu�ldings_ Due �o the large areas <br />consu�eci by the 25 racque� bal i and te�nf s caurts , ihe total t�ui Z di ng� <br />proposetj in this P7ar�ned Unit Develapmen� wi13 equal 31.9°G of �he site. <br />A variai�ce is requested to cover this change. _ � <br />9: �hzr� i s as you kno+�u, cansi d�rabl ° 711�G'1"�5� i n�enni s ar�d racg�a� bal l <br />i n the Ci ty of Rosevi 1� e and the l�i�tropol i tan Area as a tivi�ol e. �ye have <br />found that the t�nn�is c�u�s operated by the applicant �n o�her parts of <br />the area have 6�en we17 receiv�d and to our Ecnowled�e have nat cr�ated <br />prob7 ems �For the co�nmur�i ty or canti guous 1 and o4vners . The uI tzmate <br />use o'F thi s praperty surrounded as i t i s by si ngl e far�i �fy zoni r�g , <br />couid offer very dzfficul'� probiems to the contiguous lar�d otrlr�er�_ <br />1�e suggest �hat the p�an ar�d uses proposed offer a v�ry reasanable <br />soiution. The anp�ican-� ha5 demonstra�ed sincer? ?nt�rest ?n �o�v�r.� <br />the problems o�F cooperative cam�ata�ility ti•rith th� resid�ni�a7 areas <br />contiguous. Suggzst�ons for impro��ing ihis le�ael o�F com�ata�il��y <br />are appro�ri ate and ��raul d 1 i 4�ely be ��iel l recei ved by the appl i c�n�. <br />