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l <br />i� <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br />AN ORDTNANCE N�. <br />� * � � �r <br />AN ORDINANCE ADDING SECTIQN 35.065 TO THE CITY C�DE <br />OF THE CITY OF ROSEVTLLE PROVIDZNG FOR FIRE PROTECTTON <br />SYSTEMS FOR THE STORAGE OF LIQUIFIED PETRQLEUM GAS. <br />The City Code of the Ci�.y of Rosevil.le dQes hereby <br />ordain: <br />i. <br />Secti.on 35 _ 065 of the Ci.ty Code a� the City ot <br />Roseville is hereby enacted to read as foliows: <br />"35.065. Protecti.on Systems �or I�iquzfied <br />Pet�oleuin Gas Storage. � ^' <br />Al1 bulk storage facilit�es for �iqui�ied patroleum <br />gas 2,pq0 galZons water capacity or <br />more shall be stor�d�in tanks protected �ram fire <br />by one of the.�allowing protectian systems: <br />(1) A pre-action water spray system designed <br />in acco�dance with Nat.ional Fire Protection <br />AsSOCiation Standard Na. Z5 which is hereby <br />adopted by r�fer�nce. <br />(2) Tanks coated with a water based, thermally <br />activated, subliming, intumescent fire-� <br />proofing insulation capabl.e o� passing a <br />Fninimum fire resist�nce test of traa hours <br />when tested on s�eel pressu�e vessels <br />using standard zndustry tes�s; the surface <br />caatzng sha1� be iznpermable and hardshelled <br />ta <br />(3) Upan the submission o� detailed plans and <br />speci�ications and upon the written aplaroval <br />of the Fixe Chief and the Marshal, tanks <br />may be n►ounded above grade. <br />�I. <br />This Qrdinance shall take e�fect and be in �orce from <br />