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� <br />�E�F�IES� FC�i� C����si� ���'��,J� <br />AGENDA SECTION: 0l�IGINATING DEPT./D�V.: <br />Resolutions F� Ord�nances �1� <br />fVIEETIIVG g_13-76 <br />OATE: <br />DEP7. HE1�'D� APPFiOVAL. <br />�-fEM NO.: ITEM DESCRIPTiON' ��d1.I1�TlCe rezoninb fram R-1 to B-�. alld B-2 MGR. RE�IEWED/RECOMIAENOS: <br />�-- 3 at 2381 l��orth FZ�ice 5treet ���: '.� <br />_.�.. �i�______V� <br />i�' <br />The Council a� i�Cs August 9, mee�ing agproved ihe rezon�ng for property <br />located at 2351 NOrth Rice Street from R-1 tio B--1 a.nd B-2, and insiructed <br />the City Attorney �o dr�£t such an oxdiance. <br />If ihe Council decides to approved the ordinance, the fol�owing motion <br />would be in oxder: <br />Motion amending Section J.b.01 thr�a 1b.�4 rezoning <br />the property a�. Z381 l�orth Rice Street from R-1 <br />to B-]. and B-2. <br />� � �� <br />