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�;` <br />� <br />August �E, 1976 <br />�LANNTNG R�PORT <br />CASE NUMBER: <br />aP P E. I CAiVT : <br />L4CAT I�fV : <br />,►::' J <br />1000-76 <br />A11ied Cen�ra� Siares, Inc. <br />80 South Seventh S-�reet, Minneapolis, MP! <br />Northeast Carner of Fairview Avenue <br />and County Koad B <br />ACTIOIV R�QUESTED: Approva7 of Preliminary Plai, Rezoning <br />from 8-1 to B-1B, I-I to B-1, <br />Special Use Perr�it for Site Plan <br />Approua� in B-3.B, and Varianc� �o <br />Fark� ng Requi remer�t <br />PLAN�iING CQNS�D�RATIOlVS: <br />1. Follawing cons7deratian of the Ri1ied Stores proposal by the PZanning <br />CflfF3(1115S14n at it last regular meeting, and the ac�ion by the Council <br />to not approve the Allied S-�ores proposa�, �he applican�s consulted <br />+r»th the Ci ty staf� regardi r�g. appropri ate �rocetlur�s fram t�at pai nt. <br />It u�ras suggested that irrespective af �he individua� uses proposed, <br />it wauld be helpfu7 and in the City's interest to review a total <br />conunit�mer�t for a71 of the land if passible. Based on past experiertce, <br />such a proposaI can be more accurate�y evaluated as to i�s ultimate <br />impact aesthetical7y and functionally �_s com¢ared to a rezon_ing <br />proposal Vri �h unicnou�m speci fi c users . <br />' 2. ThE applican�s have therefare been working di7egently to prepa�e a <br />more specific development �roposal for uses to be construc�ted ir� the <br />proposed B-1 ar�a. Indiv�dual site, �andscape, and build�ng p�an5 <br />have been submitted far three uses including the proposed B-I use for <br />the LaBelle's store at the northeasterly quadrant o� th�s site. <br />3. A�l�ied Stores a�so proposes �o dedicaie a 3� faot green area contiguous <br />to Fairview Avenue and Co�niy Road B, and to cons�ruct in meandering <br />walkway through this area. 7he skeich a-� the le-�t indica�es these areas <br />as they relate to the site and the addi�-�anal open space comr�itments <br />contained in the individual site plar►s prepared for the -�hree uses <br />under cons7deration. � <br />4. The total site consis�s of 18.24 acres of which 5.83 G�ril� be uti7i,zed <br />for LaBelles, 4.1Q for a nurs�ry and garden store, ti�r�th .77 acres � <br />uiilized for a day care cer��er and the remainir3g 6.54 acres for an <br />office de�elopment with the possibil�ty of a nursing home not yet <br />co�r�n7 tted. Tnc7 uc�ed wi th the reduced copies of bui ldi ng and si �e <br />plans attacf�ed for each pr000sal, t�ere is a brie�F description of each <br />operation prepared by �i:he app7icants for your ca:isideration. The <br />fol � aa�i ng i s a bri ef revi eti•r of the speci ti c proposal s: � <br />� <br />