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Cns� �U�'�BER- �.Q�O- <br />August 4, 1976 <br />� <br />Page Tti�ra <br />5. The Labelles site plan is s�mi1ar to that prev�ously propased tvith <br />a slight change ir� the drive��ray at the entrance io the serv�ce raad <br />providing a better grade condition and sligh�ly rr�ore green area. <br />Parking is proposed for 409 sta33s, for wh-ich a variance is requested <br />from the 468 required by the ordinance formular. The LaBelles people <br />fee] tha't based on experience from their other s�ores in �he area, <br />and be�ause of tne �arge amount ot storage that occurs an the site, <br />that the 409 spaces are more than adequa�e far their operation. They <br />alsa propose a variance to the 70 square foot sign requirement, <br />request�ng a 120 s�uare foot pylan to be setback 30 feet from the <br />ser��ice road on the nor}h sid� o; t�� property_ 1�le sugg`st that �ne <br />variance to the parking and the sign is not the crucial �ssue. �'he <br />issue is real�y one o�' a chaice b�tvreen a cambination of �-1B an� <br />B-1 uses in the area versus potentia� industrial uses to tivhich <br />mas� o� the 1and is currently zoned. <br />6. Frank's Ne�rsery is proposed �o occupy a 4.� acre tract C013`�1SUOU5 ta <br />Fairview Avenue {separating LaBelle`s �rorrE thc Fairview Avenue side <br />af the property}. Frank's �lursery �s a national organization w��h <br />64 s�ores wt�ich has receniiy purchased the Green Gian't Nurs�ry and <br />Garden Store syste�n in Minnesota. They propose a 14,920 square foot <br />building with �75 park�ng spaces provid�d. The attached drativings <br />�nclude a picture of the proposed structure which wi�l di-Ffer an this <br />site in that the mansurd roof alill extend around to all four szdes <br />of this strucute. Being in ihe 7andscape business, a substantial <br />amaunt of landscaping is proposed, particu�arly as i� <br />the area west of the build�ng (tot�ard �he residen�ial are� across <br />Fairview Avenue) and the parking area. Th�s uses a special �se in <br />the B--1 Di stri ct and a speci ai use permi t i s requestecl for thi s purpose _ <br />Such a permit shauld be candi�ional on the site being deve7oped in <br />accordance wz th the si te plans as su�r�i tted, wi-�h �he excepti on of �he <br />shingled roaf to be extended to al� faur sides of the strueture_ <br />i. 7h� Learning Tree Day Care Center is the th�rd development propased <br />vrh-ich ►vill occupy .77 acres of �and Cti11�igU0li5 to �'airview Avenue. <br />This develflpment will consist o� a 5,�00 square foot building. The <br />bu7lding is res�dent�al in character wiih a cedar siding ex�er�or. <br />Copies of -�he propnsed e7evations are attached a1ong with the prapo5ed <br />site plan and 7andscaping develop�ent. ihe Learning Tree Qay Care <br />Cer�ter occup�es the rema�nder of �ne frontage along Fairvieiv Avenue <br />with �he excep��ion of a pandir�g area due to be deve�oped eontiguous <br />to the green space at the southtiresterly corner o-F -�he s�te. <br />8. The rema�ning site (Lot 3 of ihe p-reliminary plat) cansists o�F the <br />frontage al ong County Road E3 for t�rhi ch the appl i cant (i1 & h1 Devel op�nent <br />Company} is willing to commit to construct an 80,000 square foot � <br />office build7ng. The applicant's r�ality representatives ar� having <br />discussions trrith a new proposed nursing home ��rhose oti�mers are <br />i r�terested i n-t�►e si te. No speci f� c commi ttment, ha4�rever, �►as been <br />received as o-F this pain� in time. It is l;no�r�n, ho�•aever, �nat the <br />southeasterly corne� of �he site 4�rill be occupied by a substantial , <br />pondz ng area as noted on �fze overal i site pl an tdi -�i� th� �o�ai acreate <br />submi tted �o �rie Ci ty. �-=b <br />