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• CASE NUt�46�R: 1Q00- , <br />� � Augus� 4, I976 <br />�' <br />Page Three <br />9. Comparative traffic ana�ysis has also been prepared by Dick ��tolsfield <br />af BRIJ, who you wi1� recal3 has prepared studies �or �he previous <br />proposal. A copy af the outline rest�lts of that study �is attaet�ed <br />to this report for yaur consideration. 4de understand a representative <br />of the company ��ili b� at �he Pianning Commiss�on and Council hearings <br />ta more fu11y explain the traffic ana7ysis_ <br />10. 7he averall purpose of tne current proposa� is to provide an <br />alt�rnative to deveioping most of the site to industr�al uses as <br />currentiy zoned. You will recali this �ndustrial zone was applied <br />at the time Contro1 Data pr000sed �o acnuire the si�e in the �arly <br />b�'s as a home of�ice ar►d manufacturing or computers. Exec�iives <br />�f Allied Stores have �nformed us tF�at they intend to di�spas� a� the <br />prap�rty as quickTy as possible. They t�erefore, intend to sell the <br />land as prapased in ih�s appl�cation in i�s ent�rity, ar alterr�a�ive7y <br />to some user based on the existing zoning. They indicate wil7ingt�ess <br />to adjust �h� pr�ce �o whatever sa7e can be accamplished based an <br />Uses allowed U��thin the I--1 Zone. If another Control Data came alang, <br />this cau7d be a very desirable so�ution. U3e fear, hawever, tha� <br />uses could evalve that could have severe de7eter�ous effects on ��e <br />existing resid�ntial, edUCat�onal, and cul�ura7 faciiities that <br />character�ze this area of tt�e City. <br />11. The appl�canis have been encouraged to make as com�7ete a factual <br />and pictorial presen�atian of the proposal as possible so as to alla�,r <br />a fair and accurate appraisal anc! r�view on the par� of the Planning <br />Commission and Cauncil. We s�gges� tha� the B-1 proposa7s subm�t�ed <br />could well be a more desirable and compat�b7e concept �han many <br />potential users under the existing zoning, under candi�ions--where�n <br />the owner is �ntent on a rapid disposal of the land. <br />0 <br />� <br />.� <br />ti� <br />