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� <br />EXTIZAC,T OF y1I1�}UI'�S �F T���:TING OF 'FHE: GITY COiJ�TCIL <br />OF ROSEVILLE, MII1':�-ESOT�1 - HELD SEPT'EMB�R 13, 1976 <br />�C �: 3: � iC iC �C J�: ?�.^ Y �f �C 7�: 7F 7� �S :F �: 9C �'C :t Y :E �: <br />Pursuant ta due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting <br />of the Ci�y Council of �he City of �seville, Nlinnesota, was duly held <br />in t11e C��y Hal�, 2b60 Civic Cen-�er Drive, in said City, on hTOnday, <br />the I3�h day o£ September, 1976, at 7:3Q otclock p.�n. <br />The folloiaing men�bers wer� present: <br />and �he �ollowing were absent: <br />Co2ancilman <br />and �noved i�Cs adoption: <br />introduced the following xesolutzon <br />RESOLUTTON N0. <br />��IEREP�S, several years ago the State High�aay Depar�ment <br />ttarned back Lexington Avenue to Ramsey County and prov�ded £unding to <br />bring this roactway up ta stanc�ard; and <br />WfIEREAS, substan� and e��oxt have been put into <br />selecting the appropriate methad of hringing this roadway tip to standard; <br />arzd <br />WI-�RF�IIS, the zr►ost recent Ci�izen Comrnittee P1an far pxovid- <br />ing a basic fot�r lane facility with a minimtun o£ left turn slots and <br />center mec�ians would appear to mee� at Ieast the i�nediate needs �or <br />Lexing'ton Avenu� ; anc� <br />WI-�REAS, �here is alsa a need ta rnaks t�xovisians for the <br />non-motorized pub�.ic along this facxlity, but adec{uate information and <br />pxoposaJ.s are x�ot p�esently available for this aspec� of the ove�all <br />plan; and <br />WI-iEREP,S, the public input an this proposal shotzld have a. <br />�orum ta be hearcl; <br />TH�R�FnRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that �he City of Roseviile <br />hereby gxves conceptual agproval to the recent Citizen Conunzttec plan <br />for upgrading Lexingtan ALTenue throubh Roseville. <br />BE IT FURTf-�P RESOLVED, that a need exists for providing <br />safe facilities for nan-motorized pub�ic along th�s same corridor, but <br />additional in£orntation is still needed before actual Conclusioi� can. be <br />drawn regarding this point; <br />